MicroStrategy ONE
Changing Layout Properties
You can use either of the following methods to change the layout properties such as width, height, padding, margin, etc. used in MicroStrategy Web.
Interactivity with MicroStrategy Web is enabled
Make sure you have completed the Enabling Interactivity with MicroStrategy Web step before proceeding further.
- Launch the Web Customization Editor.
- In the Application Settings tab, click the Web browser icon (
) to open MicroStrategy Web in the Web Customization Editor.
- Navigate to the MicroStrategy Web page that displays the layout properties you wish to change.
- Right-click the region you wish to modify and select Modify CSS Settings->Layout, and then select the layout property you wish to modify. The Update CSS Propertydialog opens.
Enter a new value for the property or click Utils >> to view the Pick panel that contains the Color, Image, or Font buttons used to open the appropriate editor.
- Select the radio button for Apply to This Page or Apply to All Pages as appropriate.
Click OK. The MicroStrategy Web page inside the browser is refreshed to display the new icon/image.
Interactivity with MicroStrategy Web is not enabled
If interactivity between the Web Customization Editor and MicroStrategy Web is not enabled, refer to Creating or Modifying a CSS for generic instructions.