Interface WebObjectInfo

    • Method Detail

      • getID

        java.lang.String getID()
        Returns the DSS ID of the object, if one exists.
        Specified by:
        getID in interface WebDisplayUnit
        A String representing the ID of the object.
      • getVersionID

        java.lang.String getVersionID()
        Returns the Version ID of the object, if one exists.
        A String representing the ID of the object version.
      • getType

        int getType()
        Returns the type of this object. This will be a value from EnumDSSXMLObjectTypes.
        The type of the object.
      • getSubType

        int getSubType()
        Returns the subtype of the object. This will be a value from EnumDSSXMLObjectSubTypes.
        The subtype of the object.
      • setName

        void setName​(java.lang.String _name)
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
      • getOtherNameTransCount

        int getOtherNameTransCount()
        Returns the count of name translations for locales other than the current effective locale.
        The count of name translations for locales other than the current effective locale.
      • getFactory

        WebObjectsFactory getFactory()
        Returns WebObjectsFactory
      • getAbbreviation

        java.lang.String getAbbreviation()
        Returns the abbreviation of this object.
        The object's abbreviation, if one exists.
      • getDescription

        java.lang.String getDescription()
        Returns the description of the object.
        The current description of this object.
      • getCreationTime

        java.lang.String getCreationTime()
        Returns the creation time of this object, if that information is available.
        A string representing the creation time of this object.
      • getCardStatus

        int getCardStatus()
        Returns the status of the hyper card. This will be a value from EnumDssXmlHyperCardStatus.
        An int value of the status of the hyper card.
      • getModificationTime

        java.lang.String getModificationTime()
        Returns the last modification time of the object, if that information is available.
        A string representing the last modification time of the object.
      • isHidden

        boolean isHidden()
        Returns whether the object is a hidden object.
        True if the object is a hidden object in metadata, false if it is not.
      • getAccessGranted

        int getAccessGranted()
        Returns the current access granted on this object, if available. This comes from the bitwise or(|) of values from EnumDSSXMLAccessRightFlags.
        The numeric representation of the access this user has to the object.
      • getState

        int getState()
        Returns the state of the object. This value comes from EnumDSSXMLObjectState.
        The state of this object.
      • getOwner

        WebObjectInfo getOwner()
                        throws WebObjectsException
        Returns a WebObjectInfo object which corresponds to the owner of this object.
        A WebObjectInfo object, representing the owner of this object
        WebObjectsException - Thrown if the owner of this object is not available.
      • hasOwner

        boolean hasOwner()
        whether there is an owner object available.
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
      • getPropertySets

        WebPropertyGroup getPropertySets()
                                  throws WebObjectsException
        Returns the property sets associated with this object. Note that this will generally only work with a non-embedded (i.e. standalone) object.
        A WebPropertyGroup object, which contains the property sets associated with this object.
        WebObjectsException - Thrown if the property sets could not be retrieved.
      • getPropertySetFilter

        SimpleList getPropertySetFilter()
        Returns an editable SimpleList where you can specify the list of propertySets that the getPropertySets call should be limited to Note that this filter is not retained in the state. Also, once the filter is defined and propertySets are retrieved for an instance, there is no way to retrieve a different set of propertySets
        MicroStrategy Web 8.0.2
      • getFlags

        int getFlags()
        Returns the flags which determine what data to populate upon calling populate. This value is the bitwise or(|) of values from EnumDSSXMLObjectFlags.
        The currently set flags value.
        See Also:
      • setFlags

        void setFlags​(int flags)
        Sets the flags which determine what data to populate upon calling populate. This value should be the bitwise or(|) of values from EnumDSSXMLObjectFlags.
        flags - The flags value to use for object definition retrieval.
        See Also:
      • setDescription

        void setDescription​(java.lang.String description)
        Sets the description of the object. The object must be saved by the save or copy methods on the WebObjectSource object to cause a change to this object to be saved.
        description - The description for the object.
        MicroStrategy Web 7.5.2
      • populate

        void populate()
               throws WebObjectsException
        Populates the fields on this object by asking the Intelligence Server for the object definition.
        WebObjectsException - Signals an error while trying to populate this object.
      • populate

        void populate​(java.lang.String xml)
               throws WebObjectsException
        Populates the fields on this object by loading the given object definition XML.
        xml - The XML String to use to populate this object.
        WebObjectsException - Thrown if the XML string could not be loaded into this object.
      • getXML

        java.lang.String getXML()
        Returns the XML representation of this object. Note that if this object has not been populated, this method will return an XML shell.
        The XML representation of the current state of this object.
      • getXML

        java.lang.String getXML​(boolean encode)
        Returns the XML representation of this object. Note that if this object has not been populated, this method will return an XML shell. The encoding parameter will tell whether the XML generated should have special characters HTML encoded.
        encode - If this is true, then the returned string will have all special characters HTML-encoded.
        The XML representation of the current state of this object.
      • isPopulated

        boolean isPopulated()
        Returns true if this object has been populated with its' definition from the Intelligence Server, false if it has not been populated.
        The current population status of this object.
      • getAncestors

        SimpleList getAncestors()
                         throws java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException
        Returns a SimpleList containing the ancestors of this object, if they exist in the object XML. If they do not exist in object XML, and this is object has a valid DSSID, a request will be sent back to Intelligence Server to retrieve the ancestors information. These objects will be in order from highest ancestor (usually the root folder) to lowest ancestor (the parent folder).
        A SimpleList containing the ancestors of the object.
        java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - Thrown if the ancestors could not be found or retrieved for the object.
      • getParent

        WebFolder getParent()
                     throws java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException
        Returns the parent folder of the current object, if it exists. Note that the WebFolder object returned will not be automatically populated.
        The parent folder of the current object. If this is the root folder, then this method will return null.
        java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - Thrown if the parent could not be found or retrieved for the object.
      • isAncestorNamedFolder

        boolean isAncestorNamedFolder​(int folderName)
                               throws WebObjectsException,
        Returns whether the named folder is this object's ancestor.
        folderName - An Enumeration in EnumDSSXMLFolderNames
        true if the named folder in the ancestor list, false otherwise.
        WebObjectsException - Thrown if an error occurs in obtaining the DSSID for the named folder.
        java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - Thrown if the ancestors could not be found or retrieved for the object.
      • getSecurity

        WebObjectSecurity getSecurity()
        Returns the WebObjectSecurity object associated with this WebObjectInfo object. The WebObjectSecurity interfaces allows viewing and modification of the ACL of this object, and the ability to take ownership of the object.
        The WebObjectSecurity object associated with this WebObjectInfo object.
        MicroStrategy Web 7.5.2
      • isDirty

        boolean isDirty()
        Returns whether this object has been modified to be different from the object in metadata. Any changes to this object self or the objects it contains will make this flag to be true. For a modified object, after saving it back to metadata will make this flag to be false.
        boolean true returned when this object has been modified at client side. false returned when this object is the same as in metadata.
        MicroStrategy Web 8.0.0
      • isNew

        boolean isNew()
        Returns whether this object is newly created at client side, which is not in the metadata. For a new object, after saving it back to metadata will turn this flag to false.
        boolean true returned when this is a newly created object at client side. false returned when this object is persisted in metadata.
        MicroStrategy Web 8.0.0
      • getComments

        java.lang.String[] getComments()
        Returns an array of strings, each of which represent a 'comment', that is saved as the long description of the object. These comments can be set programmatically or using MicroStrategy Desktop (Properties editor -> Long description tab) and are separated by a carriage return.
        String array of comments
        MicroStrategy Web 8.0.1
      • setComments

        void setComments​(java.lang.String[] comments)
        Set the long description of the object as an array of strings. The long description is also known as the comments.
        comments - String array of comments
        MicroStrategy Web 8.0.1
      • isEmbedded

        boolean isEmbedded()
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
      • setDataSources

        void setDataSources​(java.lang.String dataSourcesXML)
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
      • getDataSources

        java.lang.String getDataSources()
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
      • setAbbreviation

        void setAbbreviation​(java.lang.String abbreviation)
        MicroStrategy Web 8.1.0
      • getIconPath

        java.lang.String getIconPath()
        Return the icon path for the object
        String containing the icon path for the object
      • setIconPath

        void setIconPath​(java.lang.String iconPath)
        Set the icon path for the object
        iconPath -
      • buildShortObjectAttributes

        void buildShortObjectAttributes​(WebXMLBuilder builder)
      • getVisualizationViewMode

        int getVisualizationViewMode()
      • getPropertyFlags

        int getPropertyFlags()
        Retrieve the current property flags
        int binary OR of EnumDSSXMLPropertyXmlFlags
      • setPropertyFlags

        void setPropertyFlags​(int flags)
        Set the current property flags
        flags - int binary OR of EnumDSSXMLPropertyXmlFlags
      • setExtendedType

        void setExtendedType​(int extendedType)
        Set the current extended type
        a - value from EnumDSSXMLExtendedType
      • getExtendedType

        int getExtendedType()
        The current extended type
        the current extended type (a value from EnumDSSXMLExtendedType)
      • getContainerType

        java.lang.String getContainerType()
      • getContainerDid

        java.lang.String getContainerDid()
      • getNonSchedulable

        boolean getNonSchedulable()
        Get flag of whether the object is not schedulable
        whether the object is not schedulable
      • setNonSchedulable

        void setNonSchedulable​(boolean nonSchedulable)
        Set flag of whether the object is not schedulable
      • getModificationTimeStamp

        long getModificationTimeStamp()
        Get the object modification timestamp in millisecond.
      • getCreationTimeStamp

        long getCreationTimeStamp()
        Get the object creation timestamp in millisecond.
      • getProjectId

        java.lang.String getProjectId()
        project id of the object
      • getProjectName

        java.lang.String getProjectName()
        project name of the object
      • getRecommendationInfo

        WebRecommendationInfo getRecommendationInfo()
        This contains all the information related to a recommendation search
        recommendation info
      • getPreSaveAsFlags

        int getPreSaveAsFlags()
        Returns the flags which determine the previous save as prompt flag. This value is the integer or(|) of values from EnumDSSXMLDocSaveAsFlags.
        The previous set flags value.
        See Also:
      • setPreSaveAsFlags

        void setPreSaveAsFlags​(int flags)
        Sets the flags which determine the previous save as prompt flag. This value should be the integer or(|) of values from EnumDSSXMLDocSaveAsFlags.
        flags - The flags value to use for object definition retrieval.
        See Also: