Interface WebFunction

    • Method Detail

      • getFunctionType

        int getFunctionType()
        Returns the type of the function; This is a value from the enumeration EnumDSSXMLFunction
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
      • getSQLType

        int getSQLType()
        Returns the SQL type of the function.This is a value from the enumeration
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
      • getInputParameters

        java.util.Iterator getInputParameters()
        Iterator of WebFunctionParameter objects
      • getInputParameterCount

        int getInputParameterCount()
        Returns the number of input parameters
        the number of input parameters
      • isDBOnly

        boolean isDBOnly()
        Returns true if the function is available only in the Database and not in the analytical engine.
        true if the function is implemented in the database.
      • isPrefix

        boolean isPrefix()
        Indicates if the function represents a prefix operator
        true if the function represents a prefix operator.
      • isOrderSignificant

        boolean isOrderSignificant()
        Indicates if the function order is significant for function. This will control whether Sort-By is available or not.
        true if the order is important.
      • getRepeatedParametersCount

        int getRepeatedParametersCount()
        Returns the number of repeated parameters.
        int the number parameters that are repeated.
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
      • getProperties

        java.util.Iterator getProperties()
        Returns an Iterator of all the function properties as WebFunctionProperty objects
      • getPropertyCount

        int getPropertyCount()
        Returns the total number of properties for the Function
      • getProperty

        WebFunctionProperty getProperty​(int index)
        Return the Function property at the specified index.
        index -