Interface WebExpressionPrompt

    • Method Detail

      • getExpressionType

        int getExpressionType()
        Returns expression type. The possible expression types are the following subset from the EnumDSSXMLExpressionType: DssXmlFilterSingleMetricQual, DssXmlFilterAttributeIDQual, DssXmlFilterAttributeDESCQual, DssXmlFilterAllAttributeQual.
        expression type.
      • setExpressionType

        void setExpressionType​(int type)
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
      • getAnswer

        WebExpression getAnswer()
        Returns the current prompt answer. If there is no answer available, an empty WebExpression is returned, which can be used to build answer.
        the current prompt answer
      • setAnswer

        WebExpression setAnswer​(WebExpression answer)
        Sets the current prompt answer. Internally this method creates a new copy of the answer object and stores it as the current answer. (If the answer object is the same as the current answer no copy is created).
        answer - a prompt answer
        a current answer that is a newly created copy of the answer object.
      • getDefaultAnswer

        WebExpression getDefaultAnswer()
        Returns the default prompt answer
        the default prompt answer
      • getPreviousAnswer

        WebExpression getPreviousAnswer()
        Returns the previous prompt answer
        the previous prompt answer
      • getOrigin

        WebObjectInfo getOrigin()
                         throws WebObjectsException
        Returns a object that shall be used to obtained list of objects that can be used in the expression. It can be any of the following types: WebSearch, WebFolder, WebAttribute, WebDimension, or WebMetric.

        In case of search object, the user can modify the search criterion that is used in generating the available object list. The search object can also be used to incrementally fetch the available object list. In case the origin property is missing, the WebExpressionPrompt object would set origin property to be a search object to show all objects of type dimension and folder under the system folder "Data Explorer". As stated, the users can then modify the search object as they wish. For example, they can search for all objects of type dimension in the project root.

        a object that shall be used to obtained list of objects that can be used in the expression.
      • getOrigin

        WebObjectInfo getOrigin​(boolean createIfNull)
                         throws WebObjectsException
        Returns a object that shall be used to obtained list of objects that can be used in the expression. It can be any of the following types: WebSearch, WebFolder, WebAttribute, WebDimension, or WebMetric.

        In case of search object, the user can modify the search criterion that is used in generating the available object list. The search object can also be used to incrementally fetch the available object list. In case the origin property is missing, based on the parameter createIfNull the WebExpressionPrompt object would set origin property to be a search object to show all objects of type dimension and folder under the system folder "Data Explorer". As stated, the users can then modify the search object as they wish. For example, they can search for all objects of type dimension in the project root.

        createIfNull - if true returns the default search object (to show all objects of type dimension and folder under the system folder "Data Explorer".)
        a object that shall be used to obtained list of objects that can be used in the expression.
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
      • getDefaultForm

        WebAttributeForm getDefaultForm()
        This optional property is used only with expression prompts of type attribute form qualification. Foe such prompts the prompt designer may optionally indicate a default attribute form that the GUI should highlight when presenting available forms for an attribute. In this case the origin property is of type WebAttribute which indicates that there is only one attribute you can use to build the expression. The expectation is that the Web application shows this form as highlighted, in case the application user has not explicitly highlighted any other attribute form.
        the default attribute form or null
      • setDefaultForm

        void setDefaultForm​(WebAttributeForm af)
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
      • setDisplayedForms

        void setDisplayedForms​(int forms)
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
      • getDefaultFunction

        WebFunction getDefaultFunction()
        This optional property is applicable only to the expression prompts supporting the SAP Variables. For such an expression prompt, the prompt answer consists a single subexpression under the root node whose function is EnumDSSXMLFunction.DssXmlFunctionTuple. The single subexpression must in turn be rooted at this function.
        an function object or null if there is no such an auxilliary object.
        MicroStrategy Web 8.0.1
      • getMDXDisplayUnit

        WebMDXDisplayUnit getMDXDisplayUnit​(WebAttribute attribute)
        This method returns the MDXDisplayUnit associated with the attribute. The method returns a non null value only for attributes which are part of the answer expression in a MDX report. In all other cases, the return value would be null.
        MicroStrategy Web 8.1.2
      • getSuggestedAnswers

        WebFolder getSuggestedAnswers()
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
      • getSuggestedAnswers

        WebFolder getSuggestedAnswers​(boolean createIfNull)
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0