MicroStrategy ONE

Customize a Tooltip for a Visualization in the Gallery

You can customize a tooltip for a visualization in the gallery. This tooltip includes a full description of what the visualization represents, a sample use case for the visualization, and the number of required attributes and metrics.

  1. Navigate to plugins\<your plug-in folder>\WEB-INF\xml\config\visualization.xml in your plug-in folder of the MicroStrategy Web installation directory.
  2. Open visualization.xml. Locate the <visualization> node that corresponds with the visualization you want to customize the tooltip for.
  3. You must provide all three attributes together for the tooltip to take effect. These attributes have higher priority than attribute-minimum and metric-minimum. This means if you provide these three attributes, attribute-minimum and metric-minimum are ignored.

  4. You can replace any characters in the value for requirements except #metric###, #metrics###, ##attribute###, and ##attributes###. This is because the logic in the code replaces the # and ### for metrics and ## and ### for attributes with an opening and closing <span> tag whose class is set to the metric or attribute icon used in the tooltip.

  5. Save your changes to visualization.xml.
  6. If the plug-in is already deployed on a web server, restart the web server for the changes to take effect.