MicroStrategy ONE

5. Update the Metadata

After upgrading the Intelligence Server, update the metadata by performing the procedure that follows. This procedure creates and updates metadata tables to support new features available in MicroStrategy ONE.

Updating the metadata ensure compatibility between your pre-existing objects and the MicroStrategy clients. You can also take advantage of new configuration settings exposed through the client applications, functionality, and objects available only with the updated version of metadata.

During the metadata update process, the Configuration Wizard generates additional SQL for tasks such as managing indexes and primary keys. To view this SQL during the update process, on the Summary Page of the Configuration Wizard, in the Summary pane, click SQL Preview. In addition, once you have completed the update process, the generated SQL is saved in the MicroStrategy common files directory. The file name is OriginalScript_generated.sql, where OriginalScript is the name of the original SQL update script. For example, if you are updating an Oracle database, the original SQL update script is mdorcl.sql and the generated SQL file is mdorcl_generated.sql.

Be aware of the following:

  • If you have made any changes to the privileges assigned to the out-of-the-box MicroStrategy user groups and security roles, updating the metadata may overwrite those changes. In particular, if you have made any changes to groups that use any privileges mentioned in the List of updated privileges, updating the metadata will overwrite those changes.
  • For information about viewing the Configuration Wizard log file if an error occurs, see Resolving Problems Encountered During the Upgrade.
  • The MDUpdate command line utility that was formerly used to update the metadata is no longer supported. To update the metadata from the command line, you can use a response file with Configuration Wizard.

As an alternative to stepping through each page of the Configuration Wizard for each project source that needs to be updated, you can create a response file with the update information and use that response file with the Configuration Wizard to automatically update your metadata. For more information about using a response file to update the metadata, see Using a Response File with Configuration Wizard.

If you do not have access to the GUI mode of Configuration Wizard, you must use a response file to update your metadata.

Prerequisites for Updating a MicroStrategy Metadata

Before attempting to update your MicroStrategy metadata to the latest version, make sure you meet the following prerequisites:

  • The metadata update process can be executed only by a MicroStrategy user who is either a member of the System Administrators user group, or is the out-of-the-box Administrator user. Having all administrative privileges is not sufficient: the user must be a member of the System Administrators user group.
  • The project's metadata version from which you update must be older than, or the same as, the version of the machine where Configuration Wizard is installed that will be performing the metadata update An older version of the product is not able to perform an update on a newer version of metadata.
  • The language settings of the client, project, and Intelligence Server must all be the same.
  • The projects to be updated must not be locked. To unlock a project's metadata, in Developer, from the Administration menu, go to Locking > Unlock Project.

To Make Metadata Updates Using the Configuration Wizard

  1. Select the Upgrade existing environment to MicroStrategy Secure Enterprise option. Click Next.
  2. Select the Intelligence Server components option. Click Next.
  3. On the MicroStrategy Authentication page, type the username and password of a MicroStrategy system administrator. Click Next.
  4. On the Metadata Connection page, enter the database password to access the MicroStrategy metadata. Click Next.

    The DSN and Login ID are provided based on the server configuration that you did previously.

  5. On the Select Components page, select the check boxes for each Intelligence Server you want to upgrade.
  6. Under each selected Intelligence Server, select the system components you want to upgrade:
    • Upgrade metadata repository: The metadata repository contains the definitions of your MicroStrategy applications and supporting objects. An upgrade of your metadata is required to provide support for all new and updated features in the most recent version of MicroStrategy.
    • Lean Objects migration: Lean Objects are a significantly more compact form of object representation in the metadata tables. Lean Objects are typically 25-50% smaller and will never be larger than the original representation. Migrating existing objects to Lean Objects also allows for faster loading of objects compared to the old representation.

      All new objects are created in this format, and existing objects are converted to the new format as they are saved. Selecting Lean Objects migration converts all objects in the repository to the new format at once. This option is automatically selected if you select Upgrade metadata repository.

      The Lean objects migration modifies all objects in your MicroStrategy projects to use the new object representation. This migration can require a significant amount of time and resources to complete.

      Lean Objects migration decreases the amount of disk space used by your objects. However, the migration causes all objects in your projects to be resaved. Depending on your database transaction logging policy, this may cause a temporary increase in the size of your metadata database.

    • Update privileges: Updating the privileges ensures that users have access to the same functionality that they had in previous versions of MicroStrategy.

      By default, privileges are upgraded based on the version of your MicroStrategy metadata. However, if you previously upgraded your MicroStrategy metadata and did not upgrade privileges along with the metadata upgrade, you must identify the MicroStrategy version you most recently upgraded your privileges for.

      To do this, to the right of Update privileges, click Advanced. The Select Privilege Version dialog box opens, with the version of your MicroStrategy metadata selected by default. From the drop-down list, select the version of MicroStrategy that privileges were most recently upgraded for and click OK.

    • Migrate History List messages: Select this check box to migrate your existing History List repository to a new format for improved search results, scalability, and performance. A file-based repository can be migrated to a database-based repository or a hybrid repository, and a database-based repository can be migrated to a hybrid repository.
      • If you select this check box, additional configuration options for this migration are provided later, on the History List Migration page. During the upgrade process this Intelligence Server and any other Intelligence Servers in the cluster are stopped and restarted.
      • If you are using a file-based History List repository and want to continue using that format, clear this check box. The repository is updated, but its format is not affected, when you restart the Intelligence Server after the upgrade.
      • If you are using a database-based or hybrid History List repository and want to continue using the same type of repository, for information about upgrading the History List database, see 6. History List Database Repository.
    • Update Distribution Services Objects: Select this check box to upgrade Distribution Services subscription objects. This update is required to ensure that your Distribution Services subscriptions can support the new features and enhancements included in the most recent release. If you select this option, ensure that the metadata repository has been upgraded or is selected to be upgraded as part of this update.
    • Database Instance Update: Select this checkbox to update any MDX database instances which currently use JCO 2.x to JCO 3.x. As of MicroStrategy 10.x the Java Virtual Machine used does not support JCO 2.x. This option will only affect MDX database instances which are set to use JCO 2.x.
  7. Select each project you want to update. Only projects that are loaded on Intelligence Server can be updated. Project updates can include any of the following options:
    • Execute project logical upgrade: Updates the project to the most recent version of MicroStrategy. This option also updates the report, document, and dashboard definitions to improve the performance and reduce the memory usage and storage requirements of reports and documents that were created with a previous version of MicroStrategy.

      Be aware of the following:

      • If this update has already been completed, this option is named Re-execute project logical upgrade.
      • This upgrade is required to execute any additional project upgrade options.
      • Updated Report Services documents cannot be run in previous versions of MicroStrategy.
      • Depending on the number of reports and documents in the project, this update may take significant time.
    • Lean Objects migration: Selecting Lean Objects migration converts all objects in this project to the new format at once.

      The Lean objects migration modifies all objects in this project to use the new object representation. This migration can require significant time and resources to complete.

      Lean Objects migration decreases the amount of disk space used by your objects. However, the migration causes all objects in this project to be resaved. Depending on your database transaction logging policy, this may cause a temporary increase in the size of your metadata database.

    • Update Schedules: Makes previous subscriptions viewable in MicroStrategy ONE.
    • Update MDX Source Objects: Updates the MDX data source objects (MDX Cubes) that were created in earlier versions of MicroStrategy to take advantage of improved performance.

      By default, if you update multiple projects and the update fails for one project, the update process continues for other projects. This allows you to complete all possible updates and then review any errors. To abort the update process for other projects when one project fails, clear the Update the remaining projects, even when one project update fails check box.

      Depending on the number of MDX source objects in the project, this update may take significant time.

    • Update OLAP Services Cube caches to PRIME: Select this check box to update all Intelligent Cubes to the PRIME architecture. This architecture can improve the performance of publishing Intelligent Cube results through the use of parallel processing and other optimizations. This update is applied to all Intelligent Cubes for the project.
    • Update data import cubes (definition and cache) to PRIME: Select this check box to update all Data Import datasets to the PRIME architecture. This architecture can improve the performance of publishing Data Import results through the use of parallel processing and other optimizations. This update is applied to data sets included in your project through the use of Data Import.

      It is easier to update OLAP Services Cube caches and data import cubes to PRIME during the upgrade process. If you do not update them now, each cube is updated when it is used. Doing the upgrade all at once ensures consistent performance for end users.

  8. Click Next.
  9. If you selected the Migrate History List messages option, on the History List Target Database page, specify the necessary information for the History List database.
  10. Click Next.
  11. On the Summary page, review your upgrade choices and click Finish.