MicroStrategy ONE

4. Connect the Intelligence Server to the Metadata

Use the Configuration Wizard to establish a connection between Intelligence Server and your metadata repository.

Configure Metadata Connection

  1. Run the MicroStrategy Configuration Wizard:

    cd /opt/mstr/Microstrategy/bin


  2. Select Configure Intelligence Server, and click Next.
  3. From the DSN drop-down list, select the DSN used to connect to the metadata repository. Enter the User Name and Password for the database.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Select Use the selected Server Definition as active.
  6. Choose the server definition to use from the Existing Server Definitions pane.
  7. Click Next.

Define the Intelligence Server port number and other settings

  1. Define the Intelligence Server settings described below:
    • Port number: You can use the default port number (34952) or specify another port number. The port number is how a server process identifies itself on the machine on which it is running. If the port number is used by another process, such as in a shared environment, specify an available port number.
    • REST port number: You can use the default port number (34962) or specify another port number for the REST API Server inside Intelligence Server. This port number should not be same with the Intelligence Server port number.

      You can configure REST API Server logging with the Diagnostics and Performance Logging Tool. Select the Performance Configuration tab, and find the dispatcher REST Trace under component Network Classes. For more information, see the Configuring What is Logged section in the System Administration Help.

    • Register Intelligence Server as a Service: Select this check box to register Intelligence Server as a service.
    • Projects to load at startup: This pane displays all the projects that are in the metadata repository. You can select projects to use with the server definition that you have chosen. The projects that you select are loaded on the server at startup.
    • Start Intelligence Server when finished: Select this check box to have Intelligence Server start once you complete this configuration.
    • Identify missing DSNs: Select this check box to verify that all DSNs, which are used for database instances created in MicroStrategy, are locally available. This helps to ensure that your database instances in MicroStrategy can connect successfully to their associated data sources.

      By default, this check box is cleared, which means the availability of all local DSNs used in database instances is not verified. While this may mean that all DSNs used in database instances are not available, it can save system resources required for the Intelligence Server configuration process.

  2. Click Next.
  3. Secure socket layer (SSL) protocol encrypts communications between Intelligence Server and Developer:

    Configure SSL: This option specifies whether to enable Intelligence Server and Developer to communicate using the SSL protocol. Clear this check box to disable the use of the SSL protocol for Intelligence Server and Developer communications. This option also applies SSL protocol to the REST port number.

    When you select to enable the SSL protocol, you must provide the following information:

    • Certificate: The SSL certificate file you created for Intelligence Server. Click the browse button to navigate to and select the certificate file.
    • Key: The private key file you created while requesting the certificate for Intelligence Server. Click the browse button to navigate to and select the private key file.
    • Password: The password that you used while creating the private key for the SSL certificate.
    • SSL Port: The port number to use for SSL access. By default, the port is 39321.

    To enable SSL protocol communication in Developer, you must use the Project Source Editor. For steps to complete the other tasks required to enable SSL protocol communications, refer to the System Administration Help.

    Configuring port requires Client Certificate: If selected, the SSL communications with client certificate verification will be configured in the Intelligence Server, but does not apply to REST port number. Provide the following information:

    • SSL Port: The port number the Intelligence Server will use for SSL communications with client certificate verification.

    • Truststore: The location to the client certificate truststore.

  4. Click Next.
  5. To specify the default statistics repository for the local Intelligence Server and enable basic statistics logging for projects:
    • Make this my default Statistics Database Instance for the local Intelligence Server metadata: Select this check box to define which statistics repository to use for recording statistics. If you clear this check box, a default statistics database instance is not defined for your Intelligence Server.
    • When defining the default statistics repository, you must provide the following configuration details:
      • DSN: Select the data source name for your statistics repository.
      • If a DSN for your statistics repository does not exist, you can click New to open the MicroStrategy Connectivity Wizard and create a new DSN.

      • User Name: Type the database user name for the user that can connect to the statistics data source.
      • Password: Type the password for the user that can connect to the statistics data source.
      • Enable Basic Statistics (For newly created projects and existing projects not logging statistics): Basic statistics for new projects and any projects that are not currently logging statistics will be enabled. You can alter the settings in Project Configuration Editor in MicroStrategy Developer to:
        • Enable additional statistics for a project.
        • Enable basic and additional statistics for a project if you cleared this check box.
  6. Enable and configure the Messaging Services host and port settings.

    Messaging Services Host(s)/Port(s): Provide host name or IP address of Messaging Services.

    Format for this setting should be: server1.acme.com:9092

  7. Click Next.
  8. Review the summary information and click Save.
  9. Click Finish.