MicroStrategy ONE

Defining DSNs

After you install an ODBC driver, you can define one or more data sources for it. The DSN should provide a unique description of the data, for example, Payroll_Project_Metadata or Payroll_Warehouse.

The DSN is the name for a pointer used by a client application (in this case MicroStrategy) to find and connect to a data source. Multiple DSNs can point to the same data source and one DSN can be used by different applications.

You can define a data source connection with a DSN by using:

It is strongly recommended you use the MicroStrategy Connectivity Wizard when creating a new DSN for a MicroStrategy-branded ODBC driver. Use the Microsoft ODBC Data Source Administrator only if you intend to use a driver that is not MicroStrategy-branded.

If you create DSNs using the Microsoft ODBC Data Source Administrator, you must create system DSNs. Otherwise, MicroStrategy interfaces will not recognize them.

Creating a DSN for a data source

If a DSN does not already exist in your empty metadata repository or the repository installed with MicroStrategy, you can add or create a new one.

The MicroStrategy Connectivity Wizard is a tool designed specifically to configure connectivity to data sources by creating a DSN that uses a MicroStrategy-branded ODBC driver.

To create a DSN

  1. On Windows, log in to the system as an administrator.
  2. From the Start menu, go to Programs > MicroStrategyTools > Connectivity Wizard.

    ClosedOn Linux:

    • Using the Connectivity Wizard interface, perform the following steps:
      • In a Linux console window, browse to HOME_PATH where HOME_PATH is the specified home directory during installation.
      • Browse to the folder bin and type ./mstrconnectwiz, and then press ENTER.
    • From the command line, perform the following steps:
      • In a Linux console window, browse to HOME_PATH where HOME_PATH is the specified home directory during installation.
      • Browse to the folder bin and type ./mstrconnectwiz -h, and then press ENTER.
      • This command displays command line operation syntax and examples for different database platforms. Create your command based on the syntax and examples displayed. Once you perform your command, the DSN is created and no further action is required. For detailed steps on how to use the command line version of this tool, see Creating a DSN for a Data Source.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Select a database driver with which to create a DSN and click Next.

    Only a few databases can contain metadata repositories. For details, refer to the MicroStrategy Readme. Only DSNs created to connect to these databases can be used to connect to metadata repositories.

  5. Enter the information in the appropriate fields for connecting with the selected database driver. The information to enter varies depending on the database platform that you selected. For more information, see Creating DSNs for specific data sources.
  6. Click Test.
  7. Enter the User Name and Password to connect to the database.
  8. Click Connect. If the test is performed successfully, the connection with the database is established. If the test fails, verify the correct connection information with your database administrator and make any required changes to the information you provided in the previous steps.
  9. Click Close and Finish.

If you already have an existing DSN with the same name as the one you provided, a message box appears. You have the following options:

Select Yes to make sure the DSN points to the location you are expecting. This overwrites the existing DSN.

Select No to save the DSN with a different name.

Repeat the above steps to create as many DSNs as you require. At a minimum, create one for your metadata and one for your warehouse.

Managing ODBC and data sources with Microsoft ODBC Data Source Administrator

The Microsoft ODBC Data Source Administrator manages database drivers and data sources on Windows. The Microsoft ODBC Data Source Administrator utility creates a log with which to trace calls to data sources and to view, create, and edit DSNs. The utility is available from Microsoft and is usually included with the purchase of an ODBC driver.

  • It is strongly recommended that you use the Connectivity Wizard when creating a new DSN for a MicroStrategy-branded ODBC Driver. Use the Microsoft ODBC Data Source Administrator only if you intend to use a non-MicroStrategy driver.
  • If you choose to create DSNs using the Microsoft ODBC Data Source Administrator, they must be system DSNs. Otherwise, MicroStrategy interfaces cannot recognize them.

To create a DSN using the Microsoft ODBC Data Source Administrator

  1. Log in to the machine as an administrator. This gives you the ability to create a system-wide DSN, rather than a user-specific DSN.
  2. In most Windows systems you can access the ODBC Data Source Administrator from the Control Panel. Refer to your third-party Microsoft documentation for steps to access the ODBC Data Source Administrator tool.
  3. Click the System DSN tab.

    To view all the installed ODBC drivers, click the Drivers tab.

  4. Click Add.
  5. Select the desired driver and click Finish.

    We recommended that you select a MicroStrategy ODBC driver. These drivers, whose names start with MicroStrategy, were installed when you installed the MicroStrategy application on the computer.

  6. Enter the information in the appropriate fields to create a data source for the selected database driver.

    The information to enter varies depending on the database platform that you selected, which is discussed in Creating DSNs for specific data sources.

  7. Click OK.