MicroStrategy ONE

Select Post String

The Select Post String property allows you to define a custom string to be inserted at the end of all SELECT statements generated by the Analytical Engine.

To include a post string only on the final SELECT statement you should use the Select Statement Post String VLDB property, which is described in Select Post String.

Levels at Which You Can Set This

Database instance, report, and template

The SQL statement shown below displays an example of where the Select Post String and Select Statement Post String VLDB properties would include their SQL statements.

with gopa1 as (select a12.REGION_ID REGION_ID
 from CITY_CTR_SLS a11
 join LU_CALL_CTR a12 
 on (a11.CALL_CTR_ID = a12.CALL_CTR_ID)
 group by a12.REGION_ID
 having sum(a11.TOT_UNIT_SALES) = 7.0
/* select post string */)select
 sum(a11.TOT_DOLLAR_SALES) Revenue
 join gopa1 pa12
 on (a11.REGION_ID = pa12.REGION_ID)
 join LU_SUBCATEG a13
 on (a11.SUBCAT_ID = a13.SUBCAT_ID)
 join LU_REGION a14
 on (a11.REGION_ID = a14.REGION_ID)
where a13.CATEGORY_ID in (2)
group by a11.REGION_ID,
a14.REGION_NAME/* select post string */
 /* select statement post string */