MicroStrategy ONE

Insert Post String

The Insert Post String property allows you to define a custom string to be inserted at the end of the INSERT statements.

The # character is a special token that is used in various patterns and is treated differently than other characters. One single # is absorbed and two # are reduced to a single #. For example to show three # characters in a statement, enter six # characters in the code. You can get any desired string with the right number of # characters. Using the # character is the same as using the ; character.

Levels at Which You Can Set This

Database instance, report, and template

Insert into TABLENAME
select A1.COL1, A2.COL2, A3.COL3
from TABLE1 A1, TABLE2 A2, TABLE3 A3
where A1.COL1=A2.COL1 and A2.COL4=A3.COL5 */Insert
Post String/*