MicroStrategy ONE

Calculating Data: Metrics

The table below summarizes the Metrics VLDB properties. Additional details about each property, including examples where necessary, are provided in the sections following the table.

Property Description Possible Values Default Value

Absolute Non-Agg Metric Query Type

The Analytical Engine can either:

Perform the non-aggregation calculation with a subquery, or

Place the results that would have been selected from a subquery into an intermediate table and join that table to the rest of the query.

Use subquery

Use temp table as set in the Fallback Table Type setting

Use subquery

Compute Non-Agg Before/After OLAP Functions (For Example, Rank) Calculated in Analytical Engine

This property controls whether the non-aggregation calculation is performed before or after an Analytical Engine calculation. Use this property to determine, for example, whether the engine ranks the stores and then performs a non-aggregation calculation, or performs the non-aggregation calculation first.

Calculate non-aggregation before OLAP Functions/Rank

Calculate non-aggregation after OLAP Functions/Rank

Calculate non-aggregation before OLAP Functions/Rank

Count Compound Attribute

Compound attributes are usually counted by concatenating the keys of all the attributes that form the key. If the database platform does not support COUNT on concatenated strings, this property should be disabled.

COUNT expression enabled

COUNT expression disabled

COUNT expression enabled

COUNT(column) Support

Some database platforms do not support count on a column (COUNT(COL)). This property converts the COUNT(COL) statement to a COUNT(*).

Use COUNT(column)

Use COUNT(*)

Use COUNT(column)

Default to Metric Name

Allows you to choose whether you want to use the metric name as the column alias or whether to use a MicroStrategy- generated name.

Do not use the metric name as the default metric column alias

Use the metric name as the default metric column alias

Do not use the metric name as the default metric column alias

Integer Constant in Metric

This property determines whether to add a ".0" after the integer.

Add ".0" to integer constant in metric expression

Do Not Add ".0" to integer constant in metric expression

Add ".0"' to integer constant in metric expression

Join Across Datasets

Determines how values for metrics are calculated when unrelated attributes, from different datasets of a dashboard or document, are included with metrics.

Disallow joins based on unrelated common attributes

Allow joins based on unrelated common attributes:

Disallow joins based on unrelated common attributes

Max Metric Alias Size

Maximum size of the metric alias string



Metric Join Type

Type of join used in a metric.

Inner Join

Outer Join

Inner Join

Non-Agg Metric Optimization

Influences the behavior for non-aggregation metrics by either optimizing for smaller temporary tables or for less fact table access.

Optimized for less fact table access

Optimized for smaller temp table

Optimized for less fact table access

Null Check

Indicates how to handle arithmetic operations with NULL values.

Do nothing

Check for NULL in all queries

Check for NULL in temp table join only

Check for NULL in temp table join only


Indicates how to handle COUNT (and other aggregation functions) when DISTINCT is present in the SQL.

One pass

Multiple count distinct, but count expression must be the same

Multiple count distinct, but only one count distinct per pass

No count distinct, use select distinct and count(*) instead

No count distinct, use select distinct and count(*) instead

Smart Metric Transformation

Determines the evaluation order to support variance and variance percentage transformations on smart metric or compound metric results.




Subtotal Dimensionality Use

Determines how the level of calculation is defined for metrics that are included on reports that utilize the OLAP Services feature dynamic aggregation.

Use only the grouping property of a level metric for dynamic aggregation (default):

Use only the grouping property of a level subtotal for dynamic aggregation:

Use both the grouping and filtering property of a level metric for dynamic aggregation:

Use both the grouping and filtering property of a level subtotal for dynamic aggregation:

Use only the grouping property of a level metric for dynamic aggregation

Transformable AggMetric

Define metrics that should be used to perform transformations on compound metrics that use nested aggregation.




Transformation Role Processing

Indicates how to handle the transformation dates calculation.

7.1 style. Apply transformation to all applicable attributes

7.2 style. Only apply transformation to highest common child when it is applicable to multiple attributes

7.1 style. Apply transformations to all applicable attributes

Zero Check

Indicates how to handle division by zero.

Do nothing

Check for zero in all queries

Check for zero in temp table join only

Check for zero in all queries