MicroStrategy ONE

Modifying ODBC Error Messages

While running reports under certain scenarios ODBC errors may occur that contain sensitive information such as column names or datatypes, as shown below:

You can change how these error messages are displayed to end users so sensitive information is omitted. With the appropriate registry settings enabled, the above message will be altered to display as follows:

Modifying registry values incorrectly may cause serious, system-wide problems that may require the re-installation of Microsoft Windows. Edits to the registry are done at the user's own risk. Since these are user-initiated changes, they are not covered by any MicroStrategy warranty. If using Microsoft Windows, the user should backup the registry and update an Emergency Repair Disk (ERD) prior to alterations.

It is not necessary to restart the MicroStrategy Intelligence Server after making these modifications. Your new settings will take effect immediately.

Steps to Enable the Registry Setting for Windows

  1. Open the registry editor on Windows.
  2. In the Windows registry, navigate to the key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\MicroStrategy\Common Files\.
  3. Create a new string value, "EnableODBCErrorMessageMapping" as shown below. You do not need to set this string to any specific value.

Steps to Enable the Registry Setting for Linux

  1. Open the MSIReg.reg file.
  2. Create a new string value, "EnableODBCErrorMessageMapping" by entering the commands shown below.

  3. Save the MSIReg.reg file.