MicroStrategy ONE
Fixing Inconsistencies in the Metadata
Logical inconsistencies in the metadata may arise because of a mismatch or errors in the definitions of the DSS objects stored in a metadata repository.
Fixing Deleted Items
If you attempt to use an object that has been deleted by another user during your session, you may receive an error message similar to the following:
'Object with ID '46E2C20D46100C9AFD5174BF58EB8D12' and type 26(Column) is not found in the metadata. It may have been deleted.'
You can verify that the object no longer exists in the project by disconnecting and reconnecting to the project.
The following table lists all the object types and object descriptions that occur in the MicroStrategy metadata. You can refer to the type of the missing object from the table and restrict your search to only that object. This way you do not have to search through all the objects in a project.
Object Type |
Object Classification |
Object Description |
-1 |
DssTypeUnknown |
The type of object is not specified |
0 |
DssTypeReserved |
None |
1 |
DssTypeFilter |
Filter |
2 |
DssTypeTemplate |
Template |
3 |
DssTypeReportDefinition |
Report |
4 |
DssTypeMetric |
Metric |
5 |
Unused |
None |
6 |
DssTypeAutostyles |
Autostyle |
7 |
DssTypeAggMetric |
Base formula |
8 |
DssTypeFolder |
Folder |
9 |
Unused |
None |
10 |
DssTypePrompt |
Prompt |
11 |
DssTypeFunction |
Function |
12 |
DssTypeAttribute |
Attribute |
13 |
DssTypeFact |
Fact |
14 |
DssTypeDimension |
Hierarchy |
15 |
DssTypeTable |
Logical table |
16 |
Unused |
None |
17 |
DssTypeFactGroup |
Fact group |
18 |
DssTypeShortcut |
Shortcut (a reference to another object) |
19 |
DssTypeResolution |
Saved prompt answer |
20 |
Unused |
None |
21 |
DssTypeAttributeForm |
Attribute form |
22 |
DssTypeSchema |
Schema (the collection of objects that define the data warehouse structure) |
23 |
DssTypeFindObject |
Search definition (a simple search) This object type is deprecated. Search objects are object type 39 (DssTypeSearch). |
24 |
DssTypeCatalog |
Catalog (a list of relevant tables in a database) |
25 |
DssTypeCatalogDefn |
Catalog definition (a description of how a catalog is constructed) |
26 |
DssTypeColumn |
Column (a property needed to define a column of a database table) |
27 |
DssTypePropertyGroup |
Property group (an internal object used to cache lists of property sets) |
28 |
DssTypePropertySet |
Property set (an internal object) |
29 |
DssTypeDBRole |
Database Instance |
30 |
DssTypeDBLogin |
Database Login |
31 |
DssTypeDBConnection |
Database Connection |
32 |
DssTypeProject |
Project |
33 |
DssTypeServerDef |
Server definition (a description of a configuration of an Intelligence Server) |
34 |
DssTypeUser |
MicroStrategy User or Group |
35 |
Unused |
None |
36 |
DssTypeConfiguration |
Intelligence Server configuration (a top level object representing a MicroStrategy installation) |
37 |
DssTypeRequest |
Scheduled request |
38 |
Unused |
None |
39 |
DssTypeSearch |
Search object |
40 |
DssTypeSearchFolder |
Search folder (a folder-like object used to store the result of a search object) |
41 |
Unused |
None |
42 |
DssTypeFunctionPackageDefinition |
Function Definition |
43 |
DssTypeRole |
Transformation |
44 |
DssTypeSecurityRole |
Security Role |
45 |
DssTypeInBox |
History folder, or inbox (a folder-like object used to store History messages) |
46 |
DssTypeInBoxMsg |
History message (an object that describes the status of a report execution request) |
47 |
DssTypeConsolidation |
Consolidation |
48 |
DssTypeConsolidationElement |
Consolidation element |
49 |
DssTypeScheduleEvent |
Schedule event (an event that can trigger a scheduled object) |
50 |
DssTypeScheduleObject |
Scheduled object (an object that can be triggered) |
51 |
DssTypeScheduleTrigger |
Scheduled trigger (the binding between schedule event and object) |
52 |
DssTypeLink |
Link (the holder of a property that spans objects) |
53 |
DssTypeDBTable |
Physical database table |
54 |
DssTypeTableSource |
Same suffix and prefix tables (a collection of physical database tables with the same suffix and prefix) |
55 |
DssTypeDocumentDefinition |
Report Services Document |
56 |
DssTypeDrillMap |
Drill map |
57 |
DssTypeDBMS |
DBMS definition (an object that holds information about a physical database) |
58 |
DssTypeMDSecurityFilter |
Security filter |
59 | DssTypePromptAnswer | The answer of the prompt |
60 |
DssTypePromptAnswers |
A set of answers of the prompt |
61 |
DssTypeGraphStyle |
Style of the graph |
62 |
DssTypeChangeJournalSearch |
Search of the change journal |
63 |
DssTypeBlob |
Blob format of data |
64 |
DssTypeDashboardTemplate |
Template of the dashboard |
65 | DssTypeFlag | Flag of an obeject |
66 |
DssTypeChangeJournal |
Change journal |
67 | DssTypeExternalShortcut | Shortcut to the external object |
68 |
DssTypeExternalShortcutTarget |
Target of the shortcut to the external object |
69 | DssTypeReconciliation | Reconciliation of the dashboard |
70 |
DssTypeLayer |
Group of tables to represent a layer |
71 | DssTypePalette | The color palette |
72 |
DssTypeThresholds |
Conditions to highlight or replace the important data on the dashboard |
73 | DssTypePersonalView | User specific view |
74 |
DssTypeFeatureFlag |
A set of features and/or fixes to defects |
75 | DssTypeBookmark | Bookmark of the dashboard |
Manual editing of values in the MicroStrategy metadata incorrectly may cause serious, project-wide problems that may make the project unusable. Because these are user-initiated changes, they are not covered by any MicroStrategy warranty. Users are strongly encouraged to back up their metadata before any alteration.
Scan MD
Scan MD is a utility that detects and repairs logical inconsistencies in the MicroStrategy metadata without requiring code-level changes to the core platform. The Scan MD tool searches for logical errors and fixes them within the platform object structure. The Scan MD tool executes tests to detect inconsistencies in the metadata. These tests are based on modules that are activated by keys. Each module can contain a number of tests and fixes to any problems that the test finds.
The product is shipped with a default module-key pair that can run a standard set of tests to detect inconsistencies in your project. This default key is displayed in the Process options page of the wizard automatically. In some cases, Technical Support will provide you with a key-module pair to fix other issues that are not included in the standard tests. These keys and modules are provided to address a customer-specific issue and are not required for every customer. In such cases, it is always best to work with a support representative to understand the nature of your issue. The support representative will determine if there is a Scan MD module that addresses your problem.