MicroStrategy ONE

Troubleshooting the Modeling Service

This section describes the errors you may encounter when using the Modeling service and how to troubleshoot them.

Make your configuration changes to the configuration files under the admin folder. Do not change the files under the conf folder. All files under the conf folder are overwritten when you upgrade MicroStrategy.

The configuration files can be found in:

Windows: <INSTALL_PATH>\MicroStrategy\ModelingService\admin

Linux: <INSTALL_PATH>/MicroStrategy/ModelingService/admin

See the following topics to enable relevant loggings if necessary:

Error Troubleshoot

An error occurs when restoring the idToken:

Model Server internal error: lllegal base64 character: '~'

Make sure the "modelservice.identity_token.secret_key" in the modelservice.conf file is configured with a base64 encoded 512 bit key.

  1. Generate a 512-bit new key using the Python script as detailed in KB486418.

  2. Replace the new key for the "modelservice.identity_token.secret_key" in the modelservice.conf file and "identityToken.secretKey" in the Library server configOverride.properties file.

  3. Restart both the Modeling service and Library server.

An error occurs when restoring the idToken:

Required property 'identityTokenSecretKey' for identity token generation is not configured.

  1. Restart the Modeling service.

  2. Upgrade to MicroStrategy ONE - Update 10 (August 2023) or newer.

The New Filter option is disabled in Workstation. Make sure the Library server is upgraded to MicroStrategy 2020 Update 2 or a later version.
The MicroStrategy Modeling service is not configured with the correct secret key. Please set identity_token.secret_key in “modelservice.config“ to the same value as corresponding property in MicroStrategy Library. Make sure the "modelservice.identity_token.secret_key" in the modelservice.conf file is configured correctly. It should be the same as "identityToken.secretKey" in the Library server configOverride.properties file.

An error occurs when restoring the IdToken:

Error restoring identity token. Please, validate that the 'identityTokenSecretKey' is configured correctly.

Make sure the "modelservice.identity_token.secret_key" in the modelservice.conf file is configured correctly. It should be the same as "identityToken.secretKey" in the Library server configOverride.properties file.

An error occurs when restoring the IdToken:

JWT signature does not match locally computed signature. JWT validity cannot be asserted and should not be trusted.

Make sure the “modelservice.identity_token.secret_key“ in the modelservice.conf file is configured correctly. It should be the same as “identityToken.secretKey“ in the Library server configOverride.properties file.

An error occurs when building the Intelligence server session: Connection failed: Unable to find path to the certification target. Please verify that the path to the certification is correct and restart the MicroStrategy Web Server. Make sure “modelservice.truststore.path“ in the modelservice.conf file is configured correctly.

The MicroStrategy Modeling service is not running, or MicroStrategy Library server cannot find it or is not configured correctly.

Check to make sure:

  1. The Modeling service is running.
  2. The Modeling service is running on the expected port.
  3. The firewall is open for the Modeling service port.
On Linux, using the command, sh ./bin/modelservice.sh stop, to stop a running Modeling service under the ModelingService root directory returns, "Modeling service is not running," in the console output.

This can be caused by accidentally deleting the RUNNING_PID file under the ModelingService root directory. To stop the Modeling service, run the following command in a terminal:

# query the running process id of Modeling Service
$ pgrep -f ModelingService
# kill the process directly
$ kill -9 8952

An error is returned in the Filter editor: SSL Configuration issue.

The error can be found in the Library log:

[Error] [main] [CEFPluginBridge.swift:48] logError(_:) > fetchUtils::checkStatus(): ,{"code":"ERR024","message":"SSL Configuration issue","ticketId":"af1441eec17e41969af9ee14492f4bb7"}

When an SSL validation related error is received, make sure the truststore name and truststore password are correct in the configOverride.properties filed located at <tomcat root directory>/webapps/MicroStrategyLibrary/WEB-INF/classes/config.

To troubleshoot connectivity issues between the Library server and Modeling service, please enable logs on the Library server. See Logging on Library Server for Modeling Service.

The logging functionality fails when starting the Modeling service in command line.

  1. main ERROR Unable to move file C:\Program Files (x86)\MicroStrategy\ModelingService\.\logs\ModelService.log to C:\Program Files (x86)\MicroStrategy\ModelingService\.\logs\ModelService-2020-06-24-15-45.log: java.nio.file.FileSystemException C:\Program Files (x86)\MicroStrategy\ModelingService\.\logs\ModelService.log -> C:\Program Files (x86)\MicroStrategy\ModelingService\.\logs\ModelService-2020-06-24-15-45.log: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
  2. main ERROR Unable to delete file C:\Program Files (x86)\MicroStrategy\ModelingService\.\logs\ModelService.log: java.nio.file.FileSystemException C:\Program Files (x86)\MicroStrategy\ModelingService\.\logs\ModelService.log: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
This error is caused when using start.bat in command line while the Modeling service is already started from Services. Use stop.bat to exit and run start.bat again, or start from Services, to restart Model service.

The Topology error messages are returned:

  1. Something when wrong. Unable to start/stop the Model service, the following are possible solutions.
    1. Services Registration use SSH command to start/stop the service, please ask your administrator to make sure the SSH Server is running on the target machine.
    2. Please restart web container on target machine and try to start/stop the service again.
    3. Please ask your administrator to retrieve related information from the log file if the problem persists.
    4. Please check Topology Services Tab to see whether all depended services are up.
  2. Something went wrong. Unable to start/stop the service. This can happen when the credential you input does not have the permissions or the SSH command has failed to execute. If the problem persists, please contact your administrator.
  3. Something went wrong.

Check to make sure:

  1. The Modeling service is running.
  2. The Modeling service is running on the expected port.
  3. The firewall is open for the Modeling service port.
  4. The secret key set on the Library server and Modeling service are the same.
  5. If HTTPS is enabled between the Library server and Modeling service, please ensure it is configured correctly. For more details, please refer to Configure HTTPS Connection Between Library Server and Modeling Service.
Unable to connect to the service using a secure TLS channel.

The HTTPS connection between MicroStrategy Library and the Modeling service is not configured correctly.

For steps on configuring HTTPS connection, please refer to Configure HTTPS Connection Between Library Server and Modeling Service.

The TLS/SSL between the MicroStrategy Modeling service and MicroStrategy Intelligence server is not configured correctly due to the invalid trust store path: The path provided was not valid, please double-check that it exists.

The TLS/SSL connection between the Modeling service and the Intelligence server is not configured correctly.

For steps on configuring TLS enabled between the Modeling service and the Intelligence server, please refer to Configure Modeling Service When Intelligence Server is TLS Enabled.

An error occurs when opening a fact object via the Workstation Fact editor:

"Model Server internal error: Invalid argument: The requested fact does not contain the requested expression."


"Model Server internal error: No value present."

This is a known defect that is being investigated by the Technology team.

Please use MicroStrategy Developer as a workaround. See KB484818.

The Modeling service failed to get an Intelligence server session: Network: Unable to connect to the MicroStrategy Intelligence server.

Check to make sure the new Intelligence server certificate is configured correctly in the application.conf file, including the following fields:

  • play.server.https.keyStore.path

  • play.server.https.keyStore.type

  • play.server.https.keyStore.password