MicroStrategy ONE

View and Analyze Log Files

All MicroStrategy log files are stored in the log file location. This location is set during installation and cannot be changed.

  • On Windows, all log files are stored in C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\MicroStrategy\Log\.
  • On Linux, all log files are stored in /opt/mstr/MicroStrategy/log

These log files are plain text files and can be viewed with any text editor.

The MicroStrategy Web server error log files are in the MstrWeb/WEB-INF/log/ directory. These log files can be viewed from the Web Administrator page, by clicking View Error log on the left side of the page. For more information about viewing log files in MicroStrategy Web, see the Web Administrator Help (from the Web Administrator page, click Help).

Anatomy of a Log File

Non-error messages in the log files have the same format. Each entry has the following parts:




Date Time

Date and time at which the action happened


The name of the machine you are running

SERVER The server definition name


Numeric ID of the process that performed the action


Numeric ID of the thread that performed the action


Name of the MicroStrategy component that performed the action

trace type

Type of the log file entry


Message about the action

Error messages in the log files have a similar format, but include the error and the error code in the log files:


Working with Exceptions

When Intelligence Server encounters an error, it "throws an exception." Not all exceptions are fatal; in fact Intelligence Server uses some of them internally. Fatal exceptions cause Intelligence Server to shut down and they are logged in the DSSErrors.log, often as "unknown exceptions."

Fatal exception messages by themselves are not sufficient for accurate diagnosis. Intelligence Server includes a built-in mechanism to capture structured exceptions and generate a dump file that has more information in it. You may need to do this for MicroStrategy Technical Support specialist.