MicroStrategy ONE

Monitor Quick Search Indices

A quick search index is created when a project is loaded for the first time. If no index folder is found within the project, MicroStrategy will do an initial crawl and create the search index within that project. Each time a project is loaded or an object is created within a project, the search index will be updated based upon the change journal entries that are not part of the index.

Rebuilding a Quick Search Index

If certain system configurations change, it may be necessary to rebuild your quick search index. Quick search indices are accessible through your system monitors. To rebuild a search index:

  1. Open a project source in Developer.

    If you are running MicroStrategy Developer on Windows for the first time, run it as an administrator.

    Right‑click the program icon and select Run as Administrator.

    This is necessary in order to properly set the Windows registry keys. For more information, see KB43491.

  2. Open Administration > System Monitors > Quick Search Indices to view the indices.
  3. Right-click and select Rebuild Index.

When to Rebuild an Index

The following scenarios may require you to rebuild a search index:

  • If you switch the metadata in your environment with a copy of the currently used metadata, like the backup of the current metadata, a rebuild will be required. Quick Search cannot distinguish the copies of a metadata.
  • If you change your index folder, a rebuild will be required. If the index folder is changed via MicroStrategy Developer, the index for all loaded projects will be rebuilt automatically. You do not need to rebuilt the index.
  • If you upgrade your environment, a rebuild may be necessary.
  • If you the index status of a specific project is in a paused state for an extended time, a rebuild may be necessary. Quick Search will typically resume the crawl process for a paused index.
  • If you can not search your objects normally, a rebuild may be necessary.

Related Articles

KB482892: How to Rebuild the Index of the Quick Search