MicroStrategy ONE

Search the Change Journal for Relevant Entries

Because the change journal records every transaction, finding the relevant records can be daunting. To make searching the change journal easier, you can filter it so that you see the relevant entries.

For example:

  • To find out when certain users were given certain permissions, you can view entries related to Users.
  • To discover which user made a change that caused a report to stop executing correctly, you can view the entries related to that report.

You can also quickly filter the entries so that you see the entries for an object or the changes made by a specific user. To do this, right-click one of the entries for that object or that user and select either Filter view by object or Filter view by user. To remove the filter, right-click in the change journal and select Clear filter view.

To Filter the Change Journal for Relevant Entries

  1. In the Change Journal Transactions Monitor, right-click and select Filter.
  2. To filter the change journal by changed object type, project, transaction type, or source of the change, select from the appropriate drop-down list.
  3. To filter the change journal by multiple conditions, click Advanced. The advanced filtering options panel opens at the bottom of the dialog box. Enter the columns and conditions.
  4. To see changes made in a specific time range, enter the start and end time and date.
  5. To view all transactions, not just those that change the version of an object, clear the Show version changes only and Hide Empty Transactions check boxes.

    If the Show version changes only check box is cleared, two transactions named "LinkItem" are listed for every time an application object is saved. These transactions are monitored for MicroStrategy technical support use and do not indicate that the application object has been changed. Any time the object has actually been changed, a SaveObjects transaction with the name of the application object is listed.

  6. Click OK to close the dialog box and filter the change journal.

To Quickly Filter the Change Journal by Object or User

  1. In the Change Journal Transactions Monitor, right-click an entry for the object or user you want to filter by, and select the type of filtering:
    • To see the changes to this object, select Filter view by object.
    • To see the changes made by this user, select Filter view by user.
  2. To remove a quick filter, right-click in the change journal and select Clear filter view.