MicroStrategy ONE

Developer Privileges

These privileges correspond to the report design functionality available in Developer. The predefined Developer group is assigned these privileges by default. The Developer group also inherits all the privileges assigned to the Analyst group. License Manager counts any user who has any of these privileges as a Developer user.

Privilege Allows the user to...

* Define Intelligent Cube report

Create a report that uses an Intelligent Cube as a data source.

* Publish Intelligent Cube

Publish an Intelligent Cube to Intelligence Server.

* Save derived elements

Save stand-alone derived elements, separate from the report.

* Use Intelligent Cube Editor

Create Intelligent Cubes.

** Create HTML container

Create HTML container objects in a document.

** Use Document Editor

Use the Document Editor.

*** Use bulk export editor

Use the Bulk Export Editor to define a bulk export report.

**** Define transaction report

Define a Transaction Services report using the Freeform SQL editor.

Define Freeform SQL report

Define a new report using Freeform SQL, and see the Freeform SQL icon in the Create Report dialog box.

Define MDX cube report

Define a new report that accesses an MDX cube.

Define Query Builder report

Define a new Query Builder report that accesses an external data source, and see the Query Builder icon in the Create Report dialog box.

Format graph

Modify a graph's format using a toolbar or gallery.

Modify the list of report objects (use Object Browser)

Add objects to a report, which are not currently displayed in the Report Objects window. This determines whether the user is a report designer or a report creator. A report designer is a user who can build new reports based on any object in the project. A report creator can work only within the parameters of a predesigned report that has been set up by a report designer. This privilege is required to edit the report filter and the report limit. For more information on these features, see the Advanced Reporting Help.

Use Consolidation Editor

Use the Consolidation Editor.

Use Custom Group Editor

Use the Custom Group Editor.

Use Data Mart Editor

Use the Data Mart Editor.

Use design mode

Use Design View in the Report Editor.

Use Drill Map Editor

Create or modify drill maps.

Use Filter Editor

Use the Filter Editor.

Use Find and Replace dialog

Use the Find and Replace dialog box.

Use Formatting Editor

Use the formatting editor for consolidations, custom groups, and reports.

Use Link Editor

Use the Link Editor.

Use Metric Editor

Use the Metric Editor. Among other tasks, this privilege allows the user to import DMX (Data Mining Services) predictive metrics.

Use project documentation

Use the project documentation feature to print object definitions.

Use Prompt Editor

Use the Prompt Editor.

Use SQL Statements tab in Datamart/Bulk Export editors

Use the SQL Statements tab in the Datamart Editor and the Bulk Export editor.

Use Subtotal Editor

Use the Subtotal Editor.

Use Template Editor

Use the Template Editor.

Use Translation Editor bypass

Use the Translation Editor. Users with this privilege can translate an object without having Write access to the object.

Use VLDB Property Editor

Use the VLDB Properties Editor.

View ETL information

This privilege is deprecated.

Privileges marked with * are included only if you have OLAP Services installed as part of Intelligence Server.

Privileges marked with ** are included only if you have Report Services installed.

Privileges marked with *** are included only if you have Distribution Services installed.

Privileges marked with **** are included only if you have Transaction Services installed.

In addition, it grants the following privileges from the Common Privileges group:


Drill Within Intelligent Cube

Add Notes

Create Application Object

Create Folder

Create Shortcut

Edit Notes

Save Personal Answer

Schedule Request

Use Server Cache

Use Translation Editor

View Notes

Create Schema Objects