MicroStrategy ONE
Report Viewer menu bar options: Grid menu
Options in this menu allow you to customize the appearance of a grid report:
AutoStyle Selected: Provides a list of autostyles you can apply to change the appearance of the report. An autostyle is a saved set of formatting, including template colors, and font type and size.
Open AutoStyle: Accesses the Open AutoStyle dialog box that allows you to preview the display characteristics of various autostyles. The autostyles that come with MicroStrategy are located in the Public Objects folder.
Save AutoStyle: Lets you save as an autostyle any special formatting you have applied to the report.
Grid Borders: Opens the Format Cells dialog box where you can apply various types of borders to your grid report. Click Help in the dialog box for details on how to use the options.
Display Outline Results: Enables the display of report information in outline form, so that data can be collapsed to see a summary level or expanded to see a detailed level.
Long Names: Displays or hides the full object name for headers on a report.
Merge Row Header Cells: Merges multiple row headers that are identical, into one header. Click this option again if you want to undo the merge.
Merge Column Header Cells: Merges multiple column headers that are identical into one header. Click this option again if you want to undo the merge.
Lock Row Headers: Keeps row headers displayed at all times when scrolling left or right across columns in a report.
Lock Column Headers: Keeps column headers displayed at all times when scrolling up or down rows in a report.
Automatic Column Widths: The columns and rows on a grid report are resized either automatically based on the report data, or manually using sizing handles. You can enable or disable automatic sizing using this option. For an introduction to automatic and manual grid sizing, see Setting column widths and row heights.
View Column Handles: If the report is using manual column and row sizing (see the option above), use this option to display or hide the sizing handles. For an image of a report with and without sizing handles, see Steps to view column sizing handles.
Options: Opens the Grid Options dialog box, which lets you apply banding, as well as format column and row display and outline-mode display. Click Help in the dialog box for details on how to use the options.