MicroStrategy ONE

Relational analysis with personal Intelligent Cubes

While personal Intelligent Cubes allow reports to execute against a copy of report data in Intelligence Server memory, you can easily and seamlessly extend your analysis to the complete data warehouse. Unlike MOLAP cubes that have a fully restricted set of data to report against, reports in MicroStrategy can execute within a personal Intelligent Cube, as well as use ROLAP analysis to return new data from the data warehouse. This allows you to include new metrics, attributes, report filter conditions, and other data from your data warehouse into your report.

ROLAP manipulations require re-execution against the data warehouse, and therefore should only be done when necessary. A confirmation message is displayed whenever a report manipulation requires new report SQL to be generated and executed against the data warehouse. Once the data is returned from the data warehouse, the personal Intelligent Cube is automatically updated and you can begin executing against the updated copy of report data.

Intelligent Cubes apply more strict constraints than personal Intelligent Cubes, limiting reporting and analysis to execute against the copy of data within Intelligence Server. Therefore, Intelligent Cubes help to limit the amount of processing done in the data warehouse. (For more information, see Sharing Intelligent Cubes.) This is in direct contrast to the ability to perform ROLAP analysis with personal Intelligent Cubes, as discussed above.