MicroStrategy ONE
Prompt Generation Wizard: General Information page
The General Information page of the Prompt Generation Wizard contains the following options:
Display properties
Title: This name is used as the default object name when you save the prompt, although you can change it. A user sees it when the prompt is run during report execution.
If you leave Title blank, a default name, such as Region for an attribute prompt on Region, is displayed when the prompt is run. To display a blank title, type a space in the Title field.
Instructions: This text is displayed when the prompt is run during report execution.
If you leave Instructions blank, default instructions, such as Qualify on Region for an attribute prompt on Region, are displayed when the prompt is run. To display blank instructions, type a space in the Instructions field.
Allow user to select time from a list: (Available only for a date and time prompt) This determines whether a list of times is displayed when the prompt is run.
Weboptions: This determines how the prompt appears when it is executed in MicroStrategy Web. Click Modify to open the Web Options dialog box, which displays options for prompt style, style properties, and defining the qualification.
This option is disabled for level prompts.
Personal answers allowed: This determines if personal answers can be saved for this prompt. Personal answers allow a user to save prompt answers for this prompt, and then reuse the answers on any report that this prompt is used on. For more information on personal answers, and how they can be used, seeAllowing personal answers for prompts. The options are:
None: No personal answers can be saved. Every time a user sees the prompt, he must answer it (if it is required) or ignore it.
One: Only one personal answer can be saved. When the prompt is used again (on this report or a different one), the personal answer is displayed. A user can keep the personal answer, or add or delete selections. He can save his changes as a new personal answer, but only one personal answer can be saved for the prompt.
Multiple: Multiple user answers can be named and saved, to allowing different answers for the same prompt. When the prompt is used again (on this report or a different one), the personal answers are available. The user can select one of them, or answer the prompt manually.
If this option is not available, enable personal answers in the Project Configuration Editor.
Prompt restrictions
Max number of elements per selection: (Available for hierarchy prompts and attribute qualification prompts only) Select the maximum number of elements that a user can add to the prompt's attribute qualification. This option is applied only if the In listorNot in listoperator is used in the qualification. When the prompt is executed, a user cannot add more than the maximum number of elements if he selects the In List or Not in List operator.
Promptanswerrequired check box: Select whether a user must answer the prompt at run time.
If you select Prompt answer required without providing default answers, the report cannot execute on a schedule. For more information, see the Advanced Prompts chapter in the Advanced Reporting Help.
One of the following check boxes is available, depending on the type of prompt that is being created:
Minimum number of qualifications for a hierarchy prompt, attribute qualification prompt, or metric qualification prompt: Select this check box to require a minimum number of qualifications, then enter that number.
Minimum objects for a level prompt or an object prompt: Select this check box to require a minimum number of prompt answers, then enter that number.
Minimum number of answers for an attribute element list prompt: Select this check box to require a minimum number of prompt answers, then enter that number.
Minimum value for a value prompt: Select this check box to set the lowest value allowed for the prompt answer, then set that number.
For a date/time prompt, this is the earliest date or time.
For a text prompt, this is the shortest value allowed in the text string.
One of the following check boxes is available, depending on the type of prompt that is being created:
Maximum number of qualifications for a hierarchy prompt, attribute qualification prompt, or metric qualification prompt: Select this check box to restrict the number of qualifications allowed, then enter that number.
Maximum objects for a level prompt or an object prompt: Select this check box to restrict the number of objects allowed in the prompt answer, then enter that number.
Maximum number of answers for an attribute element list prompt: Select this check box to restrict the number of prompt answers, then enter that number.
Maximum value for a value prompt: Select the check box to set the highest value allowed for the prompt answer, then set that number.
For a date/time prompt, this is the latest date or time.
For a text prompt, this is the longest value allowed in the text string.
If you are creating a date/time prompt, the following additional functions are available for each option:
The drop-down button opens a calendar, from which you can select a date.
The Date Editor button opens the Date Editor, which allows you to set a dynamic date, that is, a date or time range meeting specific offset conditions.
Click Next to access the next page of the wizard:
If you are creating a "Choose from All Attributes in a Hierarchy", "Qualify on an Attribute", or "Qualify on a Metric" prompt, the next page is Default Prompt Qualification Selection.
If you are creating a level prompt, the page is Default Level Selection.
If you are creating a value prompt, the page is Default Prompt Value.
If you are creating an object prompt or "Choose from an attribute element list" prompt, the page is Default Prompt Answer Selection.