MicroStrategy ONE
Prompt Generation Wizard: Default Prompt Level Selection page
This page is displayed for level prompts.
The levels that you define here are displayed when the prompt is executed. The user can select the default, or specify his own level. If you do not want to define default levels, click Finish.
By default, the default prompt answer is the report level, with standard filtering and standard grouping. Use the buttons described below to create the default levels for the prompt.
Modify opens the Select Objects dialog box, which allows you to add objects for the target of the level. The objects are added to the default prompt answer table, with standard filtering and grouping.
Remove deletes the selected level.
Reset returns to the default report level and deletes any additional levels.
Advanced opens the Level (Dimensionality) advanced options dialog box to remove filter attributes absent in the report or level. For more information, see About conditional metrics and report filters (advanced options).
To change the filtering of a level, click in the Filtering column of the level and select the new filtering option.
To change the grouping of a level, click in the Grouping column of the level and select the new grouping option.
For more information, see Level metrics: Grouping and Level metrics: Filtering.
Click Finish to open the Save As dialog box. Select the folder in which to save the new prompt, enter a name, and click Save to return to MicroStrategy Developer.
If you are creating a prompted filter, you are returned to the Filter Editor after you click Finish. You do not save the prompt as a separate object.