MicroStrategy ONE
Prompt Generation Wizard: Default Prompt Value page
This page is displayed for value prompts.
The prompt value that you select here is displayed when the prompt is executed. The user can select the default or another value. If you do not want to define a default value, click Finish.
To create a default value, select the Default value check box and enter the value in the text field.
If you are creating a date prompt:
The drop-down button opens a calendar, from which you can select a date.
The Date Editor button opens the Date and Time Editor, which allows you to set a dynamic date, that is, a date or time range that meets specific offset conditions.
Click Finish to open the Save As dialog box. Select the folder in which to save the new prompt, enter a name, and click Save to return to MicroStrategy Developer.
If you are creating a prompted filter, you are returned to the Filter Editor after you click Finish. You do not save the prompt as a separate object.