MicroStrategy ONE

Number formatting for graph objects

The Number options for graph objects allow you to change the formatting of numbers for various graph objects on your graph report. You can modify number formatting with the following options:

  • Category: Allows you to choose an option from the list to select the format of data labels numbers: General, Fixed, Currency, Date, Time, Percent, Fraction, Scientific, Special, and Automatic or From Grid.

The remaining options available in this dialog box vary depending on the selected category.

  • Decimal Places: You can type the number of decimal places that you want to display for the numeric values. For example, typing a value of 2 displays two digits to the right of the decimal point.

  • UseThousand Separator (,): Specifies the use of a comma to separate thousands in values (for example, 123456789 or 123,456,789).

  • Abbreviation: You can select an abbreviation format from the list: None, Thousands, Millions, or Billions. This can reduce the space required to display large values.

  • Currency Symbol: You can choose a currency symbol from the list. Various international currency symbols are provided.

  • Currency Position: You can choose a position to place the currency symbol.

  • Negative Numbers: You can choose an item from the list to identify how to display negative values.

  • Formatting: If you selected Fraction, Time, Date, or Special, you can choose an item from the list to identify the format of numbers to be used.

  • Sample: Displays how the data is displayed based on the selections you made above.

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