MicroStrategy ONE

Platform Analytics Health Check Utility

The Platform Analytics Health Check Utility is an end-to-end health check. This utility troubleshoots issues across multiple components required to produce, consume, and report on telemetry from the platform. In particular, this check is recommended if a report in one of your projects is not providing telemetry to the Platform Analytics warehouse.

The Platform Analytics Health Check Utility performs all three health checks that occur in Start-Up Health Checks and end-to-end telemetry checks to verify that data can be produced by the Intelligence Server and consumed by the Platform Analytics Consumer (Telemetry Store).

If you are using Linux, the Platform Analytics Health Check Utility is located at /opt/MicroStrategy/PlatformAnalytics/bin. If you are using Windows, it is located at C:\Program Files (x86)\MicroStrategy\Platform Analytics\bin.

How to Run the Platform Analytics Health Check Utility

To perform an end-to-end Platform Analytics Health Check, run the platform-analytics-health-check.(sh/bat) utility.

The end-to-end telemetry checks performed by the Platform Analytics Health Check utility include:

  1. Health Check
  2. Redis Health Check
  3. Kafka Health Check
  4. Change Journal Health Check
  5. Statistics Health Check

Health Check

During the health check, there are two checks being executed:

  • Can the consumer/producer connect to the database provided during installation and stored in the PAConsumerConfig.yaml configuration file? If not, additional network connectivity testing occurs to diagnose the cause of the issue.
  • Does the database user have the required privileges? For a full list of installation prerequisites see, Platform Analytics Prerequisites.

The Health Check report provides a list of the privileges and the resulting status. If all the checks are successful, the final line will read Warehouse health check result is healthy.

If any line reads Failed, check your PAConsumerConfig.yaml file and ensure the database has the correct privileges.

Redis Health Check

The Redis Health Check determines if the consumer or producer can successfully connect to the Redis server. The check provides detailed statistics about Redis collected during startup. If all the checks are successful, the final line will read Redis server health check result is healthy.

If you see an error in your check, ensure Redis is running and that your configuration is correct in the PAConsumerConfig.yaml file.

Kafka Health Check

The Kafka Health Check ensures the Telemetry Manager (Apache Zookeeper) and the Telemetry Server (Kafka Server) are started and connected. If all the checks are successful, the final line will read Kafka cluster health check result is healthy.

Since the Telemetry Server is dependent on the Telemetry Manager, the Telemetry Manager must be started first.

If you see an error in your check, ensure ZooKeeper and Kafka are started.

Change Journal Health Check

The Change Journal check ensures the Platform Analytics Consumer is healthy. For this check, you must provide a project GUID and a report GUID to test. You are asked to modify the description of the report, which generates a Change Journal log. The test verifies if the Intelligence Server Producer produced the log to the Mstr.PlatformAnalytics.ChangeJournal.CubesReportsDashboard Kafka topic. Then, it tests if the log is processed and written to the Platform Analytics warehouse table lu_object.

If the record is found in both the appropriate Kafka topic and the warehouse, the final line will read Change Journal health check result is healthy.

If you see an error in your check, ensure the feature flag Messaging Service for Platform Analytics is on in the Intelligence server and that the property Telemetry Server enabled is set to True in the Intelligence server.

Statistics Health Check

This health check ensures the Platform Analytics Consumer can process report statistics. You are prompted to execute the report from the previous health check. This generates a log to the topic Mstr.PlatformAnalytics.IsReportStats. The health check verifies that the Intelligence Server Producer produced the record to Kafka and that it is in the Platform Analytics warehouse.

If the record is found in both the appropriate Kafka topic and the warehouse, the final line will read Statistics health check result is healthy.

If you see an error in your check, ensure Statistics are enabled for the project and that Messaging Services is configured correctly.