MicroStrategy ONE

Distribute iOS Applications

Based on information from Apple's web site, there are two ways to distribute an iPhone or an iPad application to your users. Always refer to their web site for the most recent information.

App Store Distribution

You can enroll in the iOS Developer Program to distribute your iPhone or iPad application to your users through the App Store. After you develop the application, it must be submitted to Apple for approval, and only after receiving the approval, the application can be made available for distribution on the App Store.

Enterprise Deployment

You can enroll in the iOS Developer Enterprise Program to develop and deploy iPhone or iPad applications within your organization. You can use the Enterprise Developer’s license to seamlessly integrate iPhone or iPad applications into enterprise environments. With the Enterprise Developer’s License, you can simply deploy the iPhone or iPad application in-house without having to submit the application to Apple for approval or making the users download it from the Apple store.

Click to read an overview of the Enterprise Deployment process.