MicroStrategy ONE

Silent Uninstall of Workstation on Windows

This topic applies to MicroStrategy Workstation versions 10.9 and later.

  1. Gather the required response.ini and setup.iss files.

  2. Place the response.ini and setup.iss files in the C: drive or your selected drive.
  3. Open a command prompt.
  4. Run the WindowsWorkstation.exe file in silent mode in the Workstation path with the following script:

    <path-to-WindowsWorkstation.exe>\WindowsWorkstation.exe -s --ResponseFile="C:\response.ini" -f1"C:\setup.iss" -f2"c:\setup.log"


    • path-to-WindowsWorkstation.exe: Specifies the path and name to the installation executable. Can be a local or remote file. If you access the WindowsWorkstation.exe over a network path, make sure you can access it in Windows File Explorer.

    • --ResponseFile: The response.ini file is the MicroStrategy silent install configuration file.

    • -s: When used, the installation will be run silently.

    • -f1: Specifies the path and name for the InstallShield launcher's log file. Do not include a space between the -f1 and the value

    • -f2: Specifies the path and name for the installation output log file. Do not include a space between the -f1 and the value