MicroStrategy ONE

Create an Application

With custom applications, organizations can design and create unique viewing experiences for different groups of users. In the Application dialog from MicroStrategy Workstation, you can easily update the following elements to brand MicroStrategy based on specific requirements.

General: Name and Description

Application Home Screen

Application Components

Application Content

More Settings

Save the Application

Add Security

Once you've customized your application, you can edit and duplicate it.

Check out the video below to learn more!

  1. Open the Workstation window.

  2. Connect to an environment.

  3. In the Navigation pane, click , next to Applications

    You must have the Manage Library Application privilege to create and edit applications in Workstation.

  1. Open the Workstation window.

  2. Connect to an environment.

  3. In the Navigation pane, click , next to Applications.

    You must have the Manage Library Application privilege to create and edit applications in Workstation.

General: Name and Description

  1. Add an application name. This name helps to keep track of applications created and which users should be given access.

  2. Add an application description. This description is optional but helpful when returning to the Applications list in Workstation.

  3. Continue to another element or click Save.

Application Home Screen

When determining the home screen of an application, you can select from two types of applications. You can use either the Library home screen or specific content as the application home screen.

Use the Default Library Home Screen

This application uses the Library interface, but allows you to customize components of the interface. You can also limit content by adding content groups in Content.

Use a Dashboard in the Current Server as the Home Screen

This application uses a specific dashboard or document as the home screen. Application workflows have been integrated into the content with navigation concepts, contextual linking, and other designs.

  1. Go to Choose a Dashboard.

  2. Select the content for the home screen.

  3. Click Select to confirm the content.

  4. Continue to another element or click Save.

Application Components

With Components, you can customize which components or features of the interface are enabled or disabled. Click the toggle to disable a component. As you hide components, use the Preview Feature on the right side of the screen to view updates.

  1. In the left pane, click Components.

  2. Optionally, select whether to Disable toolbar or Collapse the toolbar by default.

    You do not have to select either of the checkboxes. If you use a dashboard as the home screen, many times the toolbar will be collapsed.

  3. Click toggles to enable or disable components depending on your requirements. View the platform specific components at the bottom of the list.

  4. Starting in MicroStrategy 2021 Update 12, you can configure panels to be pinned or docked, including the sidebar, dashboard table of contents, Filter panel, and comments. Click for to the corresponding toggle to view the available options, as shown below. If the application is set to collapse the toolbar, these options do not take effect. Showing the Filter panel on the left or right side is supported in Library Web and Mobile, while other options are only supported in Library Web.

    For more information on troubleshooting, see Troubleshoot Pin and Dock.

  5. Continue to another element or click Save.

Application Content

When selecting to use the default Library home screen for the application, you also have the option to define content. In Content, you can add content groups to the application. This limits the content available in the application to these content groups only.

Add Content to an Application

  1. In the left pane, click Content.

  2. Name the section where the content groups will display.

  3. Click Add Content.

  4. Select from the content groups that you have created.

  5. Click Select. View content groups in Content. Your content groups are now locked into this application. Users of the application will not be able to remove or add content outside of these content groups.

  6. Continue to another element or click Save.

More Settings

More Settings in the Application dialog allows you to update or modify additional settings related to Library Mobile.

  • Determine connectivity settings

  • Update or modify logging settings

  • Select whether to clear caches on logout

  • Email address for reporting a problem

  • Smart download

Save the Application

  1. Finalize all customization and settings for your application.

  2. Click Save. The new application automatically appears in the Applications list in Workstation.

  3. Hover on the application name in the list.

  4. View the Share icon and hover to see the Copy Link option.

  5. Click Copy Link.

    For Library Mobile, once adding one application link, all applications that the user has access to will automatically added. Users can then switch between workspaces.

    Similarly for Library Web, all applications that the user has access to will automatically be listed in the Account menu under the My Libraries option. This allows users to switch between workspaces.

Add Security

Applications are governed by access control lists (ACLs). To log into the application, users must have the application link and View Access. If access is not granted, users see an error when they access the application.

Users can have access to more than one application.

Grant View Access for an Application

  1. In the Navigation pane, click Applications.

  2. Right-click an application and choose Properties.

  3. Go to Security Access.

  4. Click the + button to add users and user groups.

    Make sure users and user groups have the View permission. If necessary, you can change permissions later.

  5. Click OK.

    By default, all users (Everyone) have access to the MicroStrategy default application. You can change access at any time.

Edit an Application

  1. In the Navigation pane, click Applications.

  2. Right-click an application and choose Edit.

  3. View the Application dialog and make necessary changes.

  4. Click Save.

Duplicate an Application

  1. In the Navigation pane, go to Applications.

  2. Right-click an application and choose Duplicate. A copy of the selected application is created with the copied configuration settings.

  3. View the Application dialog and make the necessary changes.

  4. Click Save.

    The duplicated application is not created until it is saved.

Troubleshoot Pin and Dock

Why is only one panel shown if both the filter and comment panel are pinned?

To avoid panel overlap, two panels are not allowed to appear on the same side.

Refresh Status

For manipulations like reset, refresh page, and apply bookmark, the latest panel status before making changes should be kept rather than the configuration in Workstation. For example, if a filter panel is set as a pin in Workstation, in Library Web, the user manually pins the comment panel and closes the filter panel. After executing changes, the comment panel is still pinned.

Special handling in Report Services documents, reports, and Bots

Filters are not supported in Report Service documents. The filter panel will not appear, even if it set to be pinned in the custom application.

Comments are not supported in reports. The comment panel will not appear, even if it is set to be pinned in the custom application.

The table of contents, filters, and comments are supported in Bots. The table of contents, filters, and comments panel will not appear, even if they are set to be pinned in the custom application.

Related Topics

KB486043: Configure Library Mobile to Use Applications