MicroStrategy ONE

Default to Metric Name

Default to Metric Name is an advanced property that is hidden by default. For information on how to display this property, see Viewing and Changing Advanced VLDB Properties.

Default to Metric Name allows you to choose whether you want to use the metric name or a MicroStrategy-generated name as the column alias. When metric names are used, only the first 20 standard characters are used. If you have different metrics, the metric names start with the same 20 characters. It is hard to differentiate between the two, because they are always the same. The Default to Metric Name option does not work for some international customers.

If you choose to use the metric name and the metric name begins with a number, the letter M is attached to the beginning of the name during SQL generation. For example, a metric named 2003Revenue is renamed M2003Revenue. This occurs because Teradata does not allow a leading number in a metric name.

If you select the option Use the metric name as the default metric column alias, you should also set the maximum metric alias size. See Default to Metric Name below for information on setting this option.

Levels at Which You Can Set This

Database instance only


Do not use the metric name as the default metric column alias (default)

insert into ZZTSU006VT7PO000 
select a11.[MONTH_ID] AS MONTH_ID,
from [INVENTORY_Q4_2003] a11, 
 [LU_MONTH] a12, 
 [LU_ITEM] a13
where a11.[MONTH_ID] = a12.[MONTH_ID] and 
 a11.[ITEM_ID] = a13.[ITEM_ID]
 and (a13.[SUBCAT_ID] in (25)
 and a12.[QUARTER_ID] in (20034))

Use the metric name as the default metric column alias

insert into ZZPO00 
select a11.[MONTH_ID] AS MONTH_ID,
 a11.[EOH_QTY] AS Endonhand
from [{|Partition_Base_Table|}] a11, 
 [LU_MONTH] a12, 
 [LU_ITEM] a13
where a11.[MONTH_ID] = a12.[MONTH_ID] and 
 a11.[ITEM_ID] = a13.[ITEM_ID]
 and (a13.[SUBCAT_ID] in (25)
 and a12.[QUARTER_ID] in (20034))