MicroStrategy ONE

Schema Update Performance

If the schema update is taking a long time, you may need to increase the amount of memory available to the object cache on Intelligence Server. When the schema for a project is updated, Intelligence Server accesses all schema objects. If the object cache does not have enough memory to hold all the schema objects, some must be swapped in and out of the object cache, slowing down the update process. For more information about object caches, see Object Caches.

To increase the amount of memory available to the object cache, in the Project Configuration Editor, expand the Caching: Auxiliary Caches: Objects category, and increase the value in the Server: Maximum RAM usage (MBytes) field.

You can use the Diagnostics and Performance Logging Tool to trace the schema update process and determine whether you need to increase the memory available to the object cache. In the Diagnostics and Performance Logging Tool, enable the Metadata Server > Transaction and Engine > Scope traces. For information about the Diagnostics and Performance Logging Tool, see Finding Trouble Spots Using Diagnostics.