MicroStrategy ONE

Memory Depletion Troubleshooting

Memory depletion in Intelligence Server is a common cause of problems in the MicroStrategy system. Knowing how to prevent them enables you to make your system more stable and reliable. Intelligence Server's memory use is discussed earlier in this guide (see Memory). This memory troubleshooting material is merely a recap of the information presented there. In short, here is how you can limit memory depletions:

  • Enable the Memory Contract Manager. This is a built in tool that controls whether certain job tasks are allowed to occur according to how much memory they could consume. This does not guarantee that a memory depletion will not occur, but it decreases the chance of it. For more information on this, see Governing Intelligence Server Memory Use with Memory Contract Manager.
  • Be proactive. During the project planning/building phase, apply those concepts that are presented in the Tuning section. For information, see Tune Your System for the Best Performance.
  • Be aware of the primary memory consumers and implement governors and system limits to reign them in.
  • Monitor the system with the Windows Performance Monitor and MicroStrategy Enterprise Manager. Users' practices of system use can evolve over time. New problems can arise as users are added to system and as they become savvy in using the system. These new potential problems may require tuning changes (see Tune Your System for the Best Performance).