MicroStrategy ONE

Methodology for Finding Trouble Spots

This section discusses how you can determine where the bottlenecks, breaking points, or other problem areas are in the MicroStrategy business intelligence system.

Locate a problem in the following list to find a suggested resolution.

Intelligence Server Stopped

The System is Slow

  • Use reports in MicroStrategy Enterprise Manager to see:
    • Which components of the system are slow (use the "Execution Cycle Breakdown" report) to see if reports can be designed differently.
    • When the system is slowest and if that relates to concurrency (use the "Peak Time Period," "Average Execution Time vs. Number of Sessions," and "Average Execution Time vs. Number of Jobs per User" reports).
    • Whether scheduled reports are running during peak times (use the "Scheduled Report Load" report) and if so, schedule them at off-peak times.
    • Whether caching certain reports would improve performance (use the "Cache Analysis," "Top 10 Reports," and "Top 10 Longest Executing" reports).
  • Tune the system (see Tune Your System for the Best Performance).

Users Cannot Log In

See Authentication Troubleshooting

Intelligence Server does not start

Intelligence Server does not run reports

MicroStrategy Web cannot connect to Intelligence Server

Check that the correct port numbers are set if you are using firewalls in your configuration (see Using Firewalls).