MicroStrategy ONE

Specifying prompt answers for any other prompts not listed


This topic assumes you are familiar with prompt answer methods and the parts of a link, such as the target and source. For background information, see Components of a link and Specifying how prompts are answered in the target.

The Any other prompts option refers to those prompts that are not in the target when you are creating the link. These can be either:

  • Prompts added to the target after the link is created

  • Prompts that are created as the result of an answer to one of the original prompts in the target, such as a prompt-in-prompt answer

These prompts are listed as the Any other prompt option in the list of prompts in the interface. You can choose any of the following prompt answer methods for the Any other prompt option:

For detailed descriptions of these prompt answer methods, see Specifying how prompts are answered in the target.


The Regional Revenue report contains a link to another report called Revenue by Category (the target). When the link was created, Revenue by Category contained only a prompt for Region. The link uses the Dynamic prompt answer mode to answer that prompt, so the region that the user selects to access the link answers the prompt. The user is not prompted when the target is executed. However, after the link was created, a second prompt, for Customer Region, is added to the Revenue by Category report.

Now a user selects Central in the Regional Revenue report, and clicks the link to Revenue by Category. The report does not execute immediately, but instead the Customer Region prompt appears. The user must select a customer region to continue or, since the prompt is not required, can include all categories by clicking Finish.

Because the Customer Region prompt was added after the link was created, the prompt uses the prompt answer method assigned to Any other prompt. Since the creator of the link did not change that method, it is still defined as the default of Prompt user.

If you edit the Revenue by Category link in the Regional Revenue report now, the Customer Region prompt is displayed in the list of prompts. Its prompt answer mode is defined as Prompt user, although you can change it. You can also select a different prompt answer mode for Any other prompt.

In the link, change the Customer Region prompt to Empty answer. Change the Any other prompt option to Default answer. Create a prompt on Customer State, with Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, and Kentucky as default answers. Add the new Customer State prompt to the Revenue by Category report.

Re-execute the Regional Revenue report. Right-click Central, point to Link, and then select Revenue by Category. You are not prompted at all. The target is filtered by Region and Customer State, but not Customer Region.

  • The Region prompt is answered dynamically (by your selection of Central).

  • The Customer State prompt uses the default answers defined in the prompt (Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, and Kentucky).

  • The Category prompt is ignored and therefore does not show up in the report filter.

For samples of these reports and links, see the Linking Reports and Documents chapter in the Advanced Reporting Help.

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