MicroStrategy ONE

Passing MDX cube data with a static element list


This topic assumes you are familiar with the static element list prompt answer method and the parts of a link, such as the target and source. For background information, see Components of a link and Specifying how prompts are answered in the target.

You can use an MDX cube report as a source report, and pass data from the MDX cube to the target, just as you can with any other report. The difference is that an MDX cube report uses data from an MDX cube source, and this data must be passed to the target using static element lists.

The data from the MDX cube can include characteristics and key figures.

  • Characteristics are "translated" into dimensions in MicroStrategy, and characteristic values are "translated" into attribute elements. An example of a characteristic is Sales Region, with characteristic values of North, Central, and South.

  • Key figures are numeric and time-related data, such as revenue figures, months, and years.

For a more detailed discussion of MDX cube terminology, including characteristics and key figures, see the MDX Cube Reporting Help. For instructions to create MDX cube reports, see Steps to create an MDX cube report.

Before you create a link from an MDX cube report, add the necessary prompts to the target, just as you would with any other report. When you create the link, select the target prompts, specify the Static element list prompt answer method, and choose the elements.

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