MicroStrategy ONE

Modifying a join

When you create a join in the Query Builder Editor, the join is initially created as an inner join to meet the most common reporting requirements. After you have created a join between columns of two separate tables, you can modify the properties of the join to meet your query requirements.

To modify a join

  1. Access the Query Builder Editor.

  2. Add tables to your Query Builder report. The tables are added to the Tables and Joins pane (the top pane on the right).

  3. Create a join. The Query Builder Editor represents the join by drawing a line connecting the two columns.

  4. Double-click the line representing a join. The Join Editor opens.

  5. In the Join Type area, select one of the following a join type options, which are in the same top-to-bottom order in the Join Editor:

    • Inner join

    • Left outer join

    • Right outer join

    • Full outer join

  6. You can change the join operator to equals (=), less than (<), greater than (>), less than or equal (<=), greater than or equal (>=), or not equal (<>) in the Join Expression pane.

  7. Click Advanced Expression to switch to the advanced expression options for the Join Editor.

  8. From the Object Browser, expand the tables to select columns and drag them to the Join Expression pane to add columns to the join expression.

  9. You can manually modify the join expression or use the toolbar options in the Join Expression pane.

  10. Click Validate to check if the expression has valid syntax.

  11. Click OK to accept your changes.

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