MicroStrategy ONE

Layering information in a Report Services (RS) dashboard

  • Plan to have from one to three layers for your Report Services (RS) dashboard. You can visualize these layers as pages of your RS dashboard; analysts will see one page at a time. Multiple layers allow you to design an RS dashboard that contains much more information overall, but presents only a reasonable subset of that information in the layer currently being displayed.

  • Create layers by adding a panel stack to your RS dashboard. Size the panel stack so it is large enough to take up the entire screen. Then place enough panels on the panel stack to equal the number of layers needed in your RS dashboard. Each panel becomes one layer of your RS dashboard. Finally, create a set of tabs above the panel stack by adding a selector made of buttons, one tab (button) for each layer (panel).

  • Consider grouping data by layers according to subject areas or business dimensions, with one subject area or business dimension per layer. For example, one layer might show income at the corporate level, while a second layer might also show income but at a departmental level or a regional level. The final layer might show detailed income data. This lets you serve diverse user communities without overwhelming users, as they can each flip to and work with the RS dashboard layer that specifically interests them.

  • Consider grouping data by layers according to regions of the country or regions of the world, so that, for example, sales metrics can be displayed within a given regional context.

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