MicroStrategy ONE

Insert Function Wizard: Arguments

The Arguments page is displayed after the Select Function page only if the selected function requires input arguments. An argument is the input value of a function. For example, you can include a fact as the argument of the Average function.

Example syntax and a description of the selected function are displayed at the top of the page, followed by a list of all required arguments. Each argument has an input box and a Browse button. When you select a box, the argument name and description are displayed at the bottom of the page.

You have the following option:

  • Add arguments to the function: For each argument listed, type a value or click Browse to find the metric, fact, prompt, or other compatible object to use.

    : For more information on the arguments for specific functions, see Using functions in MicroStrategy and the Functions Reference.

To continue the wizard, click Next. Depending on whether the selected function requires parameters, the next page can be any of the following:

If Next is disabled, the function does not require any further input. Click Finish to enter the function into the expression.