MicroStrategy ONE

Configuring the report details auto text code

Auto text codes are document or dataset variable information. The report details auto text code can be used to display the complete report details, including report description, prompt details, filter details, and template details of the specified dataset report.

You can choose whether to include or omit the following:

  • Report Description (the short description of the report)

  • Prompt Details (the prompts on the report)

  • Filter Details (the report filter, view filter (for view reports based on Cubes only), and report limits)

  • Template Details (the objects on the report and the metric definitions)

For each property, you can choose to inherit the setting instead. If you are configuring the auto text codes in a specific text field, the setting is inherited from the document setting. If you are configuring all the auto text codes in the document, the setting is inherited from the report setting. For more information on the levels of inheritance, see Levels of auto text code configuration.

The following document sample shows the report details, as displayed in PDF View. Notice that the report description, report filter, report limits, and template information are displayed.

Report Description:
Revenue, profit, & cost by region & employee

Report Filter:
Year = 2027

Report Limits:

View Filter:
Revenue >1000000


For more examples of the various auto text codes, see the Document Creation Help.


The following procedure assumes you have already added a report details auto text code to your document. For instructions, see Displaying document and dataset report information: Auto text codes.

To configure the report details auto text code

  1. Open the document in the Document Editor. (How?)

  2. You can configure either:

    •  The auto text code in a specific text field:

      • Right-click the text field containing the auto text code and select Properties. The Properties dialog box opens.

      • On the General tab, click Format in the Report Details Properties area.

    • All the report details auto text codes in the document:

      • Select Document Properties from the Format menu. The Document Properties dialog box opens.

      • Click Advanced in the list on the left.

      • Click Format in the Report Details Properties area.

The Report Details Properties dialog box opens.

  1. Click the General tab.

    By default, each setting inherits the document or report setting, as described in Levels of auto text code configuration. You can return to this default by selecting Inherit from the drop-down list for the specific setting.

  2. To determine whether or not to include the report's short description, select Yes or No from the Report Description drop-down list.

  3.  To determine whether or not to include the prompts on the report, select Yes or No from the Prompt Details drop-down list.

  4. To determine whether or not to include the report filter, view filter, and report limits, select Yes or No from the Filter Details drop-down list.

  5. To determine whether or not to include the objects on the report and the metric definitions, select Yes or No from the Template Details drop-down list.

  6. Click OK to close the Report Details Properties dialog box.

  7. Click OK to return to the document.

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