MicroStrategy ONE

Configuring the filter details auto text code

Before you begin

This section assumes that you are familiar with filters, especially the different types of filters and the components of filters. For background information, see Filters.

Steps to configure the filter details auto text code

Auto text codes are document or dataset variable information. The filter details auto text code displays the report filter and report limit of the specified dataset report by default, although other types of filters can be displayed. This auto text code has many configuration settings which can be grouped into the following categories. This list does not describe all the settings; it is only a summary.

  • You can configure the content of the filter details auto text code, by selecting which filter types to include (report filter, view filter (for view reports based on Cubes only), report limits, and so on) and how the filters are displayed. For example, you can select whether to include the name of the filter type and whether to display the report limits before or after view filters. See Configuring the content of the filter details auto text code for descriptions of all these options.

  • For filters that contain attribute element list qualifications, you can configure how those lists are displayed. For example, you can specify whether to show the attribute name (such as Region or Year) and the separator between attribute names. See Configuring how attribute element list qualifications are displayed for descriptions of all these options.

  • You can specify how attribute form and set qualifications in filters are displayed. For example, you can select whether to use names or symbols for the operators. See Configuring how attribute form and set qualifications are displayed for descriptions of all these options.

  • You can configure how logical operators, which join multiple qualifications or filters, are displayed. For example, you can choose whether or not to display operators. You can select to display only the AND operator or only the OR operator. See Configuring how logical operators are displayed for descriptions of all these options.

  • You can choose whether aliases replace object names in the filter details. See Configuring whether to use aliases in the filter details auto text code for a detailed description of this option.


The following procedure assumes you have already added a filter details auto text code to your document. For instructions, see Adding auto text codes to documents.

To configure the filter details auto text code

  1. Open the document in the Document Editor. How?

  2. You can configure either:

    • The auto text code in a specific text field:

    • Right-click the text field containing the auto text code and select Properties. The Properties dialog box opens.

    • On the General tab, click Format in the Report Details Properties area.

    • All the filter details auto text codes in the document:

    • Select Document Properties from the Format menu. The Document Properties dialog box opens.

    • Click Advanced in the list on the left.

    • Click Format in the Report Details Properties area.

    • The Report Details Properties dialog box opens.

  3. Click the General tab to configure whether aliases replace object names in the filter details. See Configuring whether to use aliases in the filter details auto text code for a detailed description of this option.

  4. Click the Filter Details - Contents tab to specify the content of the filter details auto text code, by selecting which filter types to include (report filter, view filter, report limits, and so on) and how the filters are displayed. For example, you can select whether to include the name of the filter type and whether to display the report limits before or after view filters. See Configuring the content of the filter details auto text code for descriptions of all these options.

  5. Click the Filter Details - Other tab.

  6. For filters that contain attribute element list qualifications, you can configure how those lists are displayed. For example, you can specify whether to show the attribute name (such as Region or Year) and the separator between attribute names. See Configuring how attribute element list qualifications are displayed for descriptions of all these options.

  7. For filters that contain attribute form and set qualifications, you can configure how the qualifications are displayed. For example, you can select whether to use names or symbols for the operators. See Configuring how attribute form and set qualifications are displayed for descriptions of all these options.

  8. You can configure how logical operators, which join multiple qualifications or filters, are displayed. For example, you can select whether to include parentheses around conditions. See Configuring how logical operators are displayed for descriptions of all these options.

  9. Click OK to close the Report Details Properties dialog box.

  10. Click OK to return to the document.

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