MicroStrategy ONE
Executing Prompted Reports in Integrity Manager
In a prompted report, the user specifies certain objects, such as the elements of an attribute or the range of values for a metric. For an introduction to prompts, see the Basic Reporting Help.
How Integrity Manager Answers Prompts
Integrity Manager can use any of the following methods to resolve prompts:
- Personal answer: Prompt answers that are saved for individual MicroStrategy logins. You can also specify how to use
personal answers to answer a prompt:
- Use only default personal prompt answer for each prompt: By default, Integrity Manager only uses the default personal answer for each prompt. If a prompt does not have a default personal answer for the current user, Integrity Manager moves to the next method of prompt resolution.
- Group personal prompt answers by their names: Integrity Manager executes each report/document once for each personal answer for each prompt in the report/document. If multiple prompts in the report/document have personal answers with the same name, those personal answers are used for each prompt in a single execution of the report/document. For instructions, see Using non-default personal answers for prompts.
- Default object answer: A prompted report can have two possible default answers: a default answer saved with the prompt and a default answer saved with the report. If both default answers exist, Integrity Manager uses the answer saved with the report.
- Integrity Manager user-defined answer:
Required value and hierarchy prompts can be answered according
to the defaults provided in the Select
Prompt Settings page.
- Required value prompts without default answers can be answered with the defaults provided in the Select Prompt Settings page. If a list of prompt answers is provided in the Customize Value Prompt Answers dialog box, then Integrity Manager cycles through the provided answers for each report, starting at the beginning of the list.
- Required hierarchy prompts without default answers can be answered by selecting as many elements from the beginning of the hierarchy as are specified in the Select Prompt Settings page.
- Integrity Manager internal answer: Integrity Manager can use its internal logic to attempt to answer any other required prompts without default answers. See the Integrity Manager Internal Answers page for more information.
By default Integrity Manager uses all of these options, in the order listed above. You can disable some options or change the order of the options in the Advanced Prompt Options dialog box in the Integrity Manager Wizard.
Optional Prompts
You control whether Integrity Manager answers optional prompts on the Select Prompt Settings page of the Integrity Manager Wizard. To answer optional prompts in the same way as required prompts, select the Answer optional prompts check box.
Unsupported Reports
If a prompt cannot be answered by Integrity Manager, the report execution fails and the report's status changes to Not Supported. A description of the prompt that could not be answered is found in the Details tab of the Report Data area. To view the description, select the report in the Results summary area and then click the Details tab.
You can configure Integrity Manager to open a Not Supported report in MicroStrategy Web. You can answer any prompts manually and save the report. Integrity Manager then executes the newly saved report, using the specified prompt answers. For more information, including instructions, see Resolving prompts in MicroStrategy Web.
Prompts that cannot be answered by Integrity Manager's internal logic include:
- Prompts that cannot be answered at all, such as an element list prompt that contains no elements in the list
- Level prompts that use the results of a search object to generate a list of possible levels
- Prompted metric qualifications used in filters or custom groups
- MDX expression prompts
Configure how Integrity Manager Answers Prompted Reports
- Create an integrity test.
- Select Prompt Settings page > Advanced Options.
- In the Advanced Prompt Options dialog box, select or clear the check box to enable or disable a type of prompt resolution logic.
- Click Up
or Down
to move selected entries in the list. Integrity Manager applies the selected methods in the order that they appear in the list, from top to bottom.
- Click OK.
Related Topics
Using Non-Default Personal Answers for Prompts
Resolving Prompts in MicroStrategy Web
Customize Value Prompt Answers Dialog Box
Advanced Prompt Options Dialog Box
Tests that can be Performed in Integrity Manager