MicroStrategy ONE

Preconfiguration Information

This section provides the preconfiguration information necessary to deploy MicroStrategy JSP applications on JBoss on your machine.

Installing the JDK

If you have not installed AdoptOpenJDK/Eclipse Temurin yet, download it here. Be sure to install the JDK and not the JRE software options.

To configure the JDK, a system variable must point to the folder where you install the JDK. If you install the JDK to a simple folder path such as C:\ then setting the system variable is easier and more likely to be correct.

Configuring the JDK

  1. On your Windows machine, go to Start > Computer > System properties > Advanced system settings > Environment Variables.

    The third-party products discussed below are manufactured by vendors independent of MicroStrategy, and the steps to configure these products is subject to change. Refer to the appropriate Microsoft documentation for steps to access and modify the environment variables.

  2. Under System Variables, click New to create a system variable. The New System Variable dialog box opens.
  3. In the Variable Name box, type JAVA_HOME.
  4. In the Variable Value box, specify the destination folder where you installed the JDK and click OK.

    For example, if the fully qualified path to your JDK executable is C:\jsdk1.11.0\bin\java.exe, the value of your JAVA_HOME variable is C:\jsdk1.11.0.

If you have installed JDK under the Program Files folder, type Progra~1 in the destination folder; otherwise the system does not recognize the folder. For example, C:\Progra~1\jsdk1.11.0.

Installing JBoss

You can download and install JBoss here.

Keep track of the location in which you install JBoss, as this location is used later (referred to as JBOSS_HOME) to configure JBoss with a MicroStrategy JSP application deployment.