MicroStrategy ONE

Using Absolute Paths to Share Configuration Files

By default, absolute paths are not used for the configuration files of your MicroStrategy Web Mobile deployments. You can modify the microstrategy.xml file to reference configuration files using absolute paths. By using absolute paths, you can allow the same configuration files to be accessed by multiple systems. For example, absolute paths can be used in a clustered environment in which you want all instances of the web server to access the same MicroStrategy Web or Mobile configuration files.

Below is an example of some relative paths that are included in the microstrategy.xml file by default:

<parameter name="serverConfigFilesDefaultLocation" value="/WEB-INF/xml/" />
<parameter name="serverLogFilesDefaultLocation" value="/WEB-INF/log/" />

You can modify these to use absolute paths, as shown in the examples below:

<parameter name="serverConfigFilesDefaultLocation" value="ABSOLUTE:/usr/User1/MicroStrategy/xml/" />
<parameter name="serverLogFilesDefaultLocation" value="ABSOLUTE:/usr/User1/MicroStrategy/xml/log/" />