MicroStrategy ONE

Configuring Third-Party Data Sources for Importing Data

You can use MicroStrategy Web to import data from different data sources, such as an Excel file, a table in a database, the results of a Freeform SQL query, or other data sources, into MicroStrategy metadata, with minimum project design requirements.

To import data from the following data sources, configure a secure connection between your third-party data source and MicroStrategy Web:

  • Dropbox
  • Google Analytics
  • Google BigQuery
  • Google Drive
  • Salesforce.com
  • Twitter

How to Configure a Connection Between a Third-Party Data Source and MicroStrategy Web for Data Import

Before you begin, ensure you've done the following:

  • Your third-party data source environment contains the data you plan to integrate in MicroStrategy Web. You also need the proper credentials to perform some of the steps below. For example, you need a Salesforce.com login with developer credentials to perform some of the steps below.
  • You have deployed MicroStrategy Web so that it uses secure, encrypted communications. For steps to enable secure communications for your MicroStrategy Web deployment, refer to the System Administration Help.
  • If you are connecting to Salesforce.com, to ensure proper numeric value integration and formatting when using Data Import, your Salesforce.com reports must use the English locale. If you use a different locale for your Salesforce.com reports, you can still integrate this data into MicroStrategy using Data Import if you connect to Salesforce.com using the MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for Salesforce. For steps to configure this type of a connection to Salesforce.com, see MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for Salesforce.
  1. Access the administrative options for your third-party data source.

    For example, if you are integrating data from Salesforce.com, log in to Salesforce.com by accessing https://login.salesforce.com/.

  2. Configure MicroStrategy Web as a remote access application for the third-party data source. For the steps to define remote access applications in your third-party data source, refer to your third-party documentation.

    When configuring MicroStrategy Web as a remote access application, you must define the callback URL as the URL to access MicroStrategy Web, including the event 3172. Depending on how you deployed MicroStrategy Web, the syntax for this URL can take one of the following forms:

    The Twitter connector does not allow you to add query parameters in the Twitter app setting. Beginning MicroStrategy 2019 Update 1, you do not need to add the event in the URL to use the Twitter connector.

    If you are using a version of MicroStrategy prior to 2019 Update 1, you cannot connect to Twitter without query parameters. Upgrade to MicroStrategy 2019 Update 1 or later to use the Twitter connector.

    • For MicroStrategy Web (ASP.NET) deployments:


    • For MicroStrategy Web (JSP) deployments:


      In the example URLs above:

      WebServer is the full domain name of your web server that is hosting MicroStrategy Web. Ensure that you use the full domain name rather than using an IP address, as using an IP address can require re-authentication when making the connection.

      PortNumber is the port number of your web server.

      WebApplicationName is the name of the MicroStrategy Web application. The default name for the MicroStrategy Web application is MicroStrategy.

  3. Save MicroStrategy Web as a remote access application. Your third-party data source provides a Client ID and a Client Secret. Save these two values as they are required later to configure the connection.
  4. Restart the web server that hosts MicroStrategy Web. The next time you log in to Web and use Data Import, the data source is now an available option.
  5. When connecting to your data source using Data Import in MicroStrategy Web, enter the Client ID and Client Secret provided by the data source.

    Additionally, the callback URL is the MicroStrategy Web URL you used above to configure MicroStrategy Web as a remote access application for your data source. The Client ID, Client Secret, and Callback URL are all defined as OAuth parameters of the connection to your data source using Data Import.

    For the Twitter connector, add the event 3172 to the callback URL in MicroStrategy Web. For an example of connecting the Twitter connector, see KB440974.