MicroStrategy ONE

Preconfiguration Information

This section provides the preconfiguration information necessary to deploy MicroStrategy JSP applications on Tomcat on your machine.

Installing the JDK

If you have not installed the AdoptOpenJDK/Eclipse Temurin yet, download the file from the website. Be sure to install the JDK and not the JRE software options.

To configure the JDK, a system variable must point to the folder where you install the JDK. If you install the JDK to a simple folder path such as C:\ setting the system variable is easier and more likely to be correct.

Configuring the JDK

The third-party products discussed below are manufactured by vendors independent of MicroStrategy, and the steps to configure these products is subject to change. Refer to the appropriate Microsoft documentation for steps to access and modify the environment variables.

  1. From the Start menu, go to Computer > System properties > Advanced system settings > Environment Variables > System Variables.
  2. Under , click New to create a system variable.
  3. In the Variable Name field, type JAVA_HOME.
  4. In the Variable Value field, type the path of the folder where you installed the JDK and click OK.

For example, if the fully qualified path to your JDK executable is C:\jdk1.11.0\bin\java.exe, the value of your JAVA_HOME variable is C:\jdk1.11.0.

If you have installed JDK under the Program Files folder, type Progra~1 when specifying the folder name in the Variable Value box; otherwise the system does not recognize the folder. For example, type C:\Progra~1\jdk1.11.0 in the Variable Value box.

Configuring Tomcat

This procedure assumes that you have downloaded and installed Tomcat on your machine. You can download Tomcat from the Apache website; depending on the version you want to download, you may need to locate the appropriate file in Apache's Archive area. Instructions for downloading and installing Tomcat are also available on the Apache website.

To configure Tomcat, a system variable must point to the folder where you install Tomcat. Installing Tomcat to a simple folder path such as C:\Tomcat makes it easier to define the system variable.

The third-party products discussed below are manufactured by vendors independent of MicroStrategy, and the steps to configure these products is subject to change. Refer to the appropriate Microsoft documentation for steps to access and modify the environment variables.

  1. From the Start menu, go to Computer > System properties > Advanced system settings > Environment Variables > System Variables.
  2. Click New to create a system variable.
  3. In the Variable Name field, type CATALINA_HOME.
  4. In the Variable Value field, specify the path of the folder where you installed Tomcat and click OK. For example, if you installed Tomcat directly to the C drive, the destination folder is C:\Tomcat.

If you installed Tomcat under the Program Files folder, type Progra~1 when specifying the folder in the Variable Value box. Otherwise, the system does not recognize the folder. For example, type C:\Progra~1\Tomcat in the Variable Value box.

Setting the Java heap size

The Java heap size for the Tomcat can be modified by defining the JAVA_OPTS parameter in the catalina.bat file. For example, you can define this parameter as follows:

JAVA_OPTS = "-Xms1024m -Xmx2048m"

This value may need to be modified to reflect the requirements of your specific environment. Refer to your third-party application server documentation for information on how to determine a satisfactory Java heap size for your environment.