MicroStrategy ONE

Auto text codes for document information

The following auto text codes allow you to add document variable information to your document. These auto text codes are automatically replaced by information about the document.



Sample Output


Page number



The current page number

Total number of pages



The total number of pages in the document or in the group's section before page numbering restarts

Date & Time


11/15/2003 7:10:55 PM

Current date and time, of the client computer. For PDFs, this is the date and time when the PDF was generated

You can display only the date without the time, or the month name rather than the number, and so on. To format the date and time, see Formatting text field options.

Current user


Jane User

The full name, not login, of the user who generates the PDF or views the document

Document name


Regional Sales Summary

The name of the document as stored in the project

Document description


Revenue and profit by region

Short description of the document

Document inbox title


Regional Sales Summary for Tuesday

The name of the document instance

If you send a document to your History List, you can rename that instance of the document. This auto text code displays that name, rather than the document name stored in the project.

Document notes


User1: 8/15/2010 10:10:10 AM: Reviewed and approved

Notes (annotations) added to the document.

For background information on notes, see .

Project name


MicroStrategy Tutorial

The name of the project in which the document is stored






South (for example, if prompt1 is for the attribute Region)

The user's answers to each prompt in the document, identified by number

If n is greater than the number of prompts in the document, the code cannot be replaced with pertinent information. Therefore the code itself is displayed in the PDF.

Prompt details


Prompt 1: Region prompt

Northwest, Southwest

Prompt 2: Year

Year (ID)= 2007

Details for all the prompts in the document

You can define how this auto text code is displayed (for example, if the prompt name is shown). For steps, see Configuring the prompt details auto text code.

MicroStrategy Web Server



Path to the web server being used, if the document is executed in MicroStrategy Web; otherwise, the value in project configuration

Document execution time



The date and time the document was executed

You can display only the date without the time, or the month name rather than the number, and so on. To format the date and time, see Formatting text fields.

To differentiate between Date and Time and Document execution time, do the following:

  1. Run a document and send it to the History List.
  2. Each time you retrieve the document from the History List, the PDF is regenerated. The Date and Time change each time, but the Document execution time does not change.