MicroStrategy ONE

PromptsContainerLayout_widget.xml (Server-side layout definition file)

As explained previously, the architecture for prompts is implemented using the Block Infrastructure (which is based on the Model-View-Controller architectural pattern). Thus, there exists a view block and a model block.

The server-side layout definition file, PromptsContainerLayout_widget.xml, is responsible for rendering the prompts is available in the WEB-INF\xml\layouts\widgets folder of the MicroStrategy Web installation. It creates two blocks by instantiating them from the Block Library and setting appropriate properties on them.

  1. PromptEditor (view block) displays GUI components such as table of contents, individual prompts, buttons, etc. on the Prompt page. This view block uses the client-side layout definition filePromptEditor.xml.  Each GUI component is a view block with its own client-side layout definition file.
  2. ReportInstanceModel (model block) has information about the underlying prompted report/document and data for the prompt answers.