MicroStrategy ONE

PromptEditor (View block)

PromptEditor.xml is a view block that displays GUI components such as table of contents, individual prompts, and buttons on the Prompt page. It is available in the WEB-INF\xml\blocks folder of the MicroStrategy Web installation.

The Prompt Editor.xml (view block) contains logic to change the block structure and properties based on when to show the summary, if we are showing one prompt at a time or all prompts on one page. Every item on the Prompt Page is considered a block, specifically a view block.

The following line of code from PromptEditor.xml (view block) shows that the block has a book property of type Block which specifies a collection of prompts as views.

<property name="book" type="Block" />
This PromptEditor view block uses the client-side layout definition file, PromptEditor.xml (available in the WEB-INF\xml\layoutsCS\mstr\layouts folder of the MicroStrategy Web installation) as shown in the code below.
  <property name="layoutClass">mstr.layouts.PromptEditor</property>

The PromptEditor view block has several children view blocks, each rendering a specific GUI component such as table of contents, individual prompts, and buttons on the Prompt page. Each view block has its own client-side layout definition file.

See also: