MicroStrategy ONE

Additional Application Settings

The Page Content and Layout and Data Presentation, Styles and Layout Definitions sections of the Fundamentals of customization section introduced you to the two core configuration files in MicroStrategy Web products— the Page Configuration File and the Style Catalog. These two files are central to controlling the appearance and layout of pages, and data produced in those pages.

This section is the third and final section of the Fundamentals of customization. It focuses on the use of application-wide properties set in the Page Configuration file (that is, those properties set outside of the <pages> node) and in other XML configuration files. The following topics are discussed:

  • Using Localization Descriptor Files

    The MicroStrategy Web products are localized for nearly a dozen languages. In this section, you learn how to utilize the localization infrastructure.  

  • Using Context Menus

    This section describes context menus used in MicroStrategy Web.  

  • Using Menus

    This section describes the XML structure for menus.  

  • Using Web Features

    This section describes how to use Web Features to control the availability of functionality in MicroStrategy Web applications. Web Features refer to a variety of preferences, privileges, and settings that allow you to create conditional functionality, based on whether a specific feature (or set of features) is true or false. The breadth and depth of this capability allows you to make extremely granular customizations.  

  • Using Toolbars

    This section describes the XML structure for toolbars.

  • Using Preferences

    This section describes the use and integration of MicroStrategy Preferences into your customizations. Working with preferences can involve the interaction of several configuration files, style definitions, and/or the Preferences API. This section introduces you to all of these tools and provides a sample use case that allows different users to view the same report grid differently based on their individual preferences.  

  • Debugging and Customizing Error Handling

    The MicroStrategy Web application allows you to customize the manner in which the application handles errors, either in general or at any level of granularity. It is particularly useful when performing customizations to be able to access extra information to debug issues that occur during development. This section introduces to you how you can accomplish these tasks.  

  • Logging

    Logging messages is a valuable resource for developers trying to debug and troubleshoot MicroStrategy Web. This section discusses the various components that comprise the logging infrastructure in MicroStrategy Web. This section has examples on how to use the logging components.