Strategy ONE

Using Custom Cell Rendering Classes

The previous topics provided code samples for customizing the cell rendering classes. In this topic, a configuration file is modified to make MicroStrategy Web use your custom classes for rendering the cell contents.

MicroStrategy Web uses configuration file (located in WEB-INF/classes/resources) to determine the classes that should be used for rendering the cell contents. Each section of the report grid is mapped to a class. If you create a custom cell rendering class, identify the section of the report grid and set its value to the name of your custom class. To use all the custom classes created (based on the code samples in the previous topics), make the following changes to the configuration file using the Web Customization Editor.

MicroStrategy SDK provides a Web Customization Editor that can be used to create a customization plug-in. The following steps guide you in creating the plug-in and deploying it.  

  1. Launch the Web Customization Editor.  

  2. Enable the Property Files setting from the Show Advanced Options in MicroStrategy Preferences.  

  3. Click on MicroStrategy Web Configuration inside the Application Settings view to expand the hierarchical tree. The expanded list comprises the different settings that can be modified to perform customizations.  

  4. Click on Property Files to expand the list of property files used in MicroStrategy Web.  

  5. Navigate to WEB-INF->classes->resources and double-click on to launch the Web Properties Editor.  

  6. Click the Value field for the property colHeader and update the entry to  

  7. Click the Value field for the property colTitle and update the entry to  

  8. Click the Value field for the property displayCell and update the entry to  

  9. Click the Value field for the property metricValue and update the entry to  

  10. Click the Value field for the property rowHeader and update the entry to  

  11. Click the Value field for the property rowTitle and update the entry to  

  12. Save your changes.