MicroStrategy ONE

The <page> Node

The Page Configuration file's<pages> node contains a series of <page> nodes. Every MicroStrategy Web page is defined by its own <page> node. Each <page> node, in turn, has a number of properties and child nodes specific to that MicroStrategy Web page. Every page is represented in the Pages setting in the Web Customization Editor.

You can refer to the entire XML structure in the Page Configuration File XML structure section.

You should also be familiar with the MicroStrategy Web page structure to understand the relevance of the nodes described.

The Default page

The first <page> defined in the <pages> node is the Default page. The Default page is useful when you want many pages to share similar settings such as a common header, footer, and shortcut list. The Default page can contain generic sections, shortcuts, and other components that other pages can also use.

This page is represented by the following <page> node in the Page Configuration file:

<page default="true" desc="" desc-id="" feature-id="" login-required="true" name="-1" persist-mode="8" track="false">

Page properties

Every <page> contains a number of attributes that serve to describe basic properties about the page. Basic page properties include the page’s name, description, and security features. The following sample shows how the My Reports page is defined in the Page Configuration file.

<page desc="My Reports" desc-id="mstrWeb.3" feature-id="enable-profile-reports" login-required="true" name="my" persist-mode="8" track="true">

  • desc: Used verbatim in desc-id’s absence.
  • desc-id: Refers to a key in a localized descriptor file, defined in the Messages Bundle.
  • feature-id: Indicates a feature or MicroStrategy privilege that a user must have to access the page’s content. If the feature is not available to the user, the page is not displayed and the user is redirected to the Access Denied page.
  • login-required: Defines whether a user needs a valid session to view this page.
  • name: Name with which this page is known to the rest of the application.
  • persist-mode: Determines whether the page should be saved (persisted).
  • track: Indicates if the page can be used for the Return To feature available in the path page section of several MicroStrategy Web pages. Referring to the sample above, the value of true indicates that if the user navigates to any other place in the application from the My Reports page, clicking the Return To icon allows the user to go back to the My Reports page.
  • prototype: Indicates that the page is inheriting all components and properties from the page specified as the value of the attribute.

Child nodes

The most fundamental child nodes of the <page> node are described below:

  • <templates>: Defines the layout of different named sections on a page. This node can contain one or more <template> nodes. The <template> node contains:

    • <page-sections>: Defines the presence of different sections on a page such as names and content. It can contain one or more <page-section> nodes.

    • <shortcut-list-set>: Contains groups of shortcuts or hyperlinks. It can contain one or more <shortcut-list> nodes.

    • <web-components>: Alternate representations of beans already defined on the page. It can contain one or more <web-component> nodes.

  • <web-beans>: Any number of SDK beans or application beans can be defined here for use on the page or in Web components. Rendering instructions are not provided here. The <web-beans> node contains one or more <web-bean> nodes.

    • A <web-bean> node defines an SDK or application bean that you want to be available in the rendered page. For example, if you want a report grid to appear on a rendered page, its <page> node in the Page Configuration file would contain a <web-bean> node that specifies a ReportBean.